Secrets of Success - Succeeding Faster With The Shortcuts Way of Living

Sure Thing?
What Sure Thing?
Double Who You Are
Sure thing? What is a sure thing?
Is there an animal named "sure thing?"
A thousand pieces diversifies and dilutes risk.
A thousand different positions: stock, forex, etc.

Ignore the urge to earn ten, twenty or more percent:
That requires chance. Wealth development is not 'chance.'
One percent in a set time, repeated, is wealth development.

One percent repeated a thousand times without spending is wealth.
Of course there are people and companies earning a few percent per day.
One percent repeated one thousand times without spending is great wealth.
That is because anything you double ten times is 1,000x what you began with.
It's so enormous, most folks never bother to just increase 1% a thousand times.
How many people do you know double their income five times... without spending?
It is a huge secret of wealth: learning to accumulate long enough to double repeatedly!
It is easy enough for even kids to adopt, simply suspending the childish urge to consume.
You do not need toys or dollar doughnuts or five-dollar cups of coffee. Each one multiplies.
When you learn to count better than you now do, you understand future dollars, too.
A dollar that you spend today is five or ten, up to a hundred of your own future dollars.
One percent, repeated three thousand times without spending, is more than all wealth.
If you know so much about wealth, where is yours? Have you earned or given greatly?
Do you know that Chrysler makes more money trading FOREX than selling their cars?
They have traders betting on dollars going up and other traders betting another way,
and whenever there are fluctuations, whoever is up sells a portion of their position.
By using a low-risk position, you earn less, so simply repeat it hundreds of times.
You can do this for yourself with just a couple of thousand dollars, or even less.
Speak of thousands, you can watch millions earning a living by trading online!
You see many thousands of successfully growing new businesses each year.
All of them have a written plan. As a restaurant has a menu, so should you.
When you read a menu, you know in advance what your alternatives are.
You choose your alternatives based on information considered up front.
That's why written plans for our weddings are consistently successful:
Alternatives based on information fairly well considered in advance.
This magical trick of using one percent to develop fantastic wealth,
this pure secret of many who now hold billions in their accounts,
is as helpful and useful as your ability to practice self-discipline.
Just three rules that will guide you into big wealth acceleration.
First, do not hold onto that which has so little of higher value.
Secondly, do not spend any of your profits: this is long-term.
Third: what you do best, repeat it many thousands of times.
Having broken more world records than any dozen people:
You are promised: The power to change the world transfers.
With no more or less than these words, energy transfers.
You are a record-breaking human, and we shall prove it.
Energy cannot die, it's quite alive in these words, hm?
As you feel the excitement growing, that is energy.
Since it doubles when I give it away, accept it.
Go. Do. Shhh. Get that one percent better.
To you top seven-percenters: each day!
One percent per day, times 100 days,
totals double what you have now,
faster than you ever imagined,
consistently giving you more,
more than you have today.
Double what you know;
Double who you are.
Of course it works.
Am I not real proof?
MisterShortcut still shatters many world records
You are promised: The power to change the world transfers.
With no more or less than these words does energy move.
You are a record-breaking human, and we shall prove it.
Energy cannot die, it remains alive in all these words.
With such powerful information here, that is energy.
You need not grasp the nature of energy to feel it.
You must grasp the 1,440 minutes of your day.
Trim your conversations by just one minute.
Go. Do. Shhh. Get that one percent better.
To you top seven-percenters: each day!
One percent per day times 100 days,
delivers double what you have now,
more than you've enjoyed before,
more than you have today.
Double what you know;
Double who you are.
Of course it works,
with PowerGems.

Master Secrets Of The Universe From Your Shortcuts Way of Living

One percent repeated a thousand times is a thousand times what you started with.
One percent repeated two thousand times is a million times what you started with.
One percent repeated 3,000 times is one billion times what you started with, child.
The best part of shattering so many world records is proving that you can do the same.
Those who do better know better. Look how many Shortcuts Way of Living students excel.
You rev up your engine for petty things and emergencies. From today, a universal habit.
Do not approach things as others do. Everything is a test of your one percent increase.
CFDA are your billion-dollar letters when you add .gov. All the free money imaginable.
Thousands of programs, each with about seventy percent approval of all applications.
Get this - Thousands of programs that require little more than a simple application.
It's no exaggeration: Thousands of millions for you, small or large bites at a time.
MisterShortcut invites you to speak less and do more in the next sixty minutes.
Without exception, without fail, your results are assured of notably improving.
What you know means little in the face of what you do with what you know
You nearly always have excellent advice for others, yet little for yourself.

That's why you need not tell us what you can do, now, or in the future:
we can see clearly without you saying a word, based on what you do.
Excellence is less what you say than what you do with what you say.
How you spend your minutes is how you are spending your life, hm?
In the past ten, twenty days, you have repeated a number of tasks.
When you are hungry for excellence, these shortcuts serve you well.
The roar of your daily actions persistently drown out all your words.
Taking this in ten times, a thought at a time, will boost you forever.
These are the shortcuts of 5,200 masters, millionaires, champions.

MisterShortcut Has A Question For You

Can you achieve a one percent increase? Does it take one year, month, week, day, or hour?
Whatever you determine to be your "one percent time frame," multiply it one thousand times more.
Doing it part-time, separate from all other functions of your life, an hour or two per week, may well suffice.
Do not spend any profit. One percent is achievable in a week or an hour, depending upon your hunger.
Hunger inevitably determines the level of education in any and every human field of effort.
Knowing in advance that you are counting only to one thousand, start immediately.
One percent, whether it takes you an hour or a week, is a repeatable function.
It is the greatest secret of wealth accumulation, known as compounding.
Thanks to technology, a month of research is done in a moment.
Thanks to technology, trading costs less than one percent!
Further, your cost starts dropping with all new profit.
Do not wait for more and bigger profits in trading.
Take your tiny profits, repeatedly, gratefully.
Shhh. Less talking, and more doing.
Wealth is yours to be earned...
that one percent at a time.

P.S. To The Idiots Who Do Not Do Ten Minutes Of Research OR Who Bet Too Much:
You will quickly learn to earn or lose five to ten percent each day that you trade.
This applies to each of many scores of ways of trading: stock, forex, etcetera.
Remove most elements of chance by staying focused on just one percent.
You only need to move ahead by a few percentage points each week.
This way, you earn more per week than a bank pays over a year.
No one seems to have told you the truth about your banks.
They keep ninety-nine percent of all the profits...
which they earn investing the deposits...
of hard-working depositors like you.

A sure thing, a sure thing,
prayers up on that wing,
peeking the sure thing,
seeking the sure thing,
who doesn't love the right shortcuts?

Leading with fewer things,
evading the lure, the sting,
teaching more of every thing,
reaching the sure thing,
now look at us well,
we are leaking the pure things.
One percent is the most sure thing of wealth.
the most sure things we see are too often of stealth.
Leading with the sure thing, seeking out the sure thing.
The Shortcuts Way of Living, YOUR Shortcuts Way of Living.
Remember, what you know means little to any of us
What you DO with what you know fascinates us.
Do more with what you know to attract us all.
Wealth development shortcuts do not fail us.
We only fail to repeat using them enough,
by knowing precisely what you want,
by asking more people to help,
by asking people MORE,
by simply doing it
just one more time.
Then, you can astound yourself.
When you astound yourself, you astound us all.
Want to catch those extra few thousands this year?
Stop buying products with other people's names on them
Over time, you will save many thousands of dollars to invest.
Forget impressing the neighbors. Who would you rather invest in,
a celebrity who could care less about you, or yourself?
Use your Shortcuts Way of Living to benefit yourself and others;
in a priority making sense to you, not to marketers selling you.

Get more from yourself and the assets you have access to.
Boost yourself upwards with the Shortcuts Way of Living.

Every day you waste is filled with minutes - opportunities - you cannot get back.
Take the time to stop every single day to enumerate clearly the top five items of the day.
Stop forming opinions. Most of them have proved useless to you. Process information carefully.
Since there is no cost or charge for you to try these methods for rapid acceleration, let yourself try.
Trading just one of every ten petty chatty minutes for a minute of your best thinking gives you profit.
The only opinions you can benefit from are the opinions of those who have repeatedly done it successfully.
The Shortcuts Way of Living is the ultimate in self-empowerment, with the Godfather of EyeCandy, for You 
These are the great shortcuts of masters and millionaires, the great shortcuts of champions and billionaires,
indubitably YOUR shortcuts to succeeding. That's why the Shortcuts Way of Living is here for your life     One-Shortcut.US

No Charge To You - Let's help the helpless with free clicks that produce FREE FOOD

One clickthrough - one life saved
Meritable sponsors of (no relation to us), buy cups of food for starving people with free clickthroughs!
When you click this food button and the one that pops open, a starving human gets fed, at no charge to you.
What sweeter function can the Shortcuts Way of Living provide?   You become MY hero, my heroine ...

Share the Shortcuts Way of Living With Global Generosity!

Bookmark and Share The Shortcuts Way of Living

Share the Shortcuts Way of Living and Longevity Zen of Health with YOUR intimates,
the people you most wish to assist, and to empower in their own pursuit of success,
for the Shortcuts Way of Living and Longevity Zen of Health can be used by all.
The more we give away in life, the more that life repays our repeat generosity.
Empower people to empower themselves, effectively teaching us all to help.
The helpless of the world, whether creature or human, within air, sea, land,
all cry out to you to remediate the unconscionable greed of the wealthiest.

Share the Shortcuts Way of Living and Longevity Zen of Health today.
Help to even up the playing field, living a life that lives beyond you.
How you spend your minutes shows how you're spending your life.
You get to double all results every hundred tries or so if you wish.
All masters of success can confirm these master secrets of life.
The more you reach to help others, the more life reaches you.
Before you do more, cease pretending that you know more.
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction, correct?
Act the way you want to be to become the way you act.
When you imitate the great masters of this universe,
you imitate the results of these great role models.
PowerGems are of the masters of this universe.
You know more than those who still do more?
Speaking less, and doing more, is yours.
Share the Shortcuts Way of Living.
Let us even the playing field.

More from the Shortcuts Way of Living and Longevity Zen of Health:

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Chiropractic       Clearing       Cold Cure       Doctors       Doctors 2       Health       Health2       Health Index
Herbal-medicine       Herbal-medicine2       Hugs       Hundreds


Iceberg       Infratonic       Masterlinks       Masters       Med Destiny       Medical dollars
Incredible Power      Oxygen Therapy       Mini Index Page
Quit-smoking 2       Quit Smoking III       QXCI       Rife Technology

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Shortcuts unto shortcuts from the mother ship of shortcuts,
for the health and wealth we might still deserve,
the wealth worth more than fine orchids.
Health, of course, is true wealth,
its theft so often done in stealth.
When you have one, you get the other,
and without it is worse than having no mother.

Shortcuts from other shortcuts, that's what we see,
both the Shortcuts Way of Living and Longevity Zen of Health.


Use enough of your favorite shortcuts, enough times,
and those shortcuts will tend to yield further shortcuts.

This is a frequent treat of utilizing your Shortcuts Way of Living.

Stop pretending to know more than those who repeatedly do more.
Imitating those you admire most is among the fastest of approaches,
the most efficient and effective way to repeatedly imitate their results.
Let the shortcuts you have already used well ... ... guide you to create new shortcuts.
Even if this shortcut is not a full cornerstone of the Shortcuts Way of Living, it is a potent tool.
Life has long proven that the more we use our best tools, the wider becomes the reach of those tools.
Shapelinks and Shapetalk are interactive features of the Shortcuts Way of Living and Longevity Zen of Health.

Since the Longevity Zen of Health is, naturally, already a part of you,
embrace the secrets of the Longevity Zen of Health as a part of your daily life.
Breathe deeply, not in shallow spurts. Drink enough water. Stretch several times per day.

Approximately every health-oriented suggestion in the Longevity Zen of Health is worth the effort of repetition.
Until you have mastered your corner of interest, researching at the Longevity Zen of Health and beyond,
ALWAYS consult with your primary health care provider before making any changes in medication.
Until you master at least one hundred new facts about what ails you, consult with professionals.
Pharmaceuticals are so dangerous they sometimes cause problems if you stop taking them.
Any physician who reaches for Rx drugs before natural answers cannot be a top doctor.
Always consult WITH a trusted primary health care provider: you must participate!
If you leave your most important health decisions to others, you may well lose.
Allowing others to decide your greatest decisions is the height of stupidity.
Other people cannot be expected to care more for you than for money.
This is a sad and unchanging fact of life. Your life is no exception.
Learning more, you participate intelligently in health decisions.
Learn about what ails YOU in pursuit of achieving its defeat.
Absorbing just one hundred facts, your mastery develops.
You can find natural answers to every health challenge.
Every health challenge has 'natural healing' answers.
If you knew better, you would do so much better.
Invest attention in those who have, and still do,
living stronger for longer, doing so naturally.

It is YOUR life, YOUR Longevity Zen of Health.

Health Index - Longevity Zen of Health

Wealth index For the Shortcuts Way of Living

The Longevity Zen of Health and Shortcuts Way of Living are pleased to be your Shapetalk, Shapelinks, Shortcuts Capitals.
Where the Longevity Zen of Health is focused on higher quality and quantity of longevity, with Shapetalk for better health,
the Shortcuts Way of Living is about doubling results by getting one percent better each time, with wisdom in Shapetalk.
Engaging your Longevity Zen of Health and Shortcuts Way of Living is one-conditionally guaranteed to elevate your life.
The one condition is, naturally, that you live your Longevity Zen of Health and ardently use your Shortcuts Way of Living.

Who does best know best, living the Longevity Zen of Health and Shortcuts Way of Living. End of Shapetalk PowerGem.

Sagacity Of The Shortcuts Way of Living
Is it true?  What goes up must come down?

Oh, yes you CAN change the world with daily free clickthroughs.
How do you think you'll feel after 100 days of clicking once per day?
If you were to click all these buttons, what would accrue in 1,000 days?
If you think you grasp the basic powers of the universe, think of Newton.
When you save a hundred lives and a thousand, you cannot avoid the profit.
Defenseless Animals Need Free Clicks - Please Help The Shortcuts Way of Living Help Care2 Shortcuts Way of Living Helping People To Help People Shortcuts Way of Living Number One Goal Shortcuts Way of Living Solicits Your Assistance For Care2 The Shortcuts Way of Living Loves TheRainForestsite - Hoping You Do Too
MisterShortcut invested more than 180,000,000 of life's most precious possessions into you.
These potent secrets and shortcuts - PowerGems - are extended so you can help the helpless.
Do not take lightly the fantastic powers of the universe that open up to you when you save lives.
Whether you save pets or chimps, rainforest acreage or starving children, every click counts.
Ask everyone you know to clickthrough once a day, we will save the planet with free clicks.
That is the effective price for the Shortcuts Way of Living - free clickthroughs each day.
Wealth, such as in dreams, assured by the most record-shattering human of all time.
Click through every day. Exhort others to click daily. Wealth is an assured result.
The Shortcuts Way of Living is free for who helps the helpless, the hopeless.
Each time someone else saves a life with a free click that you solicited,
you both get one full credit for saving a life, tree, etc. Count that.
If you think you understand wealth, and how to attract money,
try this potent Shortcuts Way of Living secret of success.
What you do is so loud we cannot hear your words.
Saving many lives assures the money coming.

Shapetalk - Shortcuts Way of Living Shapetalk Semi-Index - Just a taste of Shapetalk\

Shapetalk and shortcuts, lined up in a row,
the Shortcuts Way of Living Shapetalk show.
Reach for more within yourself, repeatedly, TODAY,
that your internal Shortcuts Way of Living might have its way.
You have a Shortcuts Way of Living inside of you, waiting for you.
The best within you, elicitable with your own Shortcuts Way of Living.