How to Join The Top Ten PercentTen of every one hundred people are in the top ten percent. With rare exception, they all use the shortcuts of masters and millionaires, producing better, and faster results than the other ninety... all added up together. This is not by accident, fate, gift of birth, wealth, brains, or friends. They produce more simply because they use the same hyper-powerful techniques and words over and over and over again to produce hyper-powerful results. Only two cups for you to fill:: 1) The exact sentences and questions that sparkle and produce. 2) The exact techniques that produce. Masters and millionaires use words and questions that open doors as if by magic. When you learn to duplicate their words and techniques, you consistently duplicate their results. It takes a minute or less to begin using each of their great Shortcuts, or PowerGems. Make no mistake, your current position means little, your current attitude means a great deal. If indeed you already know this, shut up and show that you know it by employing it to better, faster use. Every single technique shared throughout the Shortcuts of Masters & Millionaires work quickly. I mentioned the ticker tape because this incredible invention by Thomas Edison is the father of our stock quote system. He saw in advance what he wanted, and got it. Will you be surprised to learn that he also invented the fluoroscope, what you call an x-ray machine to see broken bones and hidden guns? He saw it in advance, and kept experimenting until he got it right. Regarding one invention that he struck out on more than five thousand times, the NY Times headline ran, "Edison-Good Man Gone Mad!" The A.M.A. recommended that he be hospitalized, obsessed with a silly invention that had little practical use, as we had plenty of oil. Please note that this man to this day holds the record for being the most failed inventor in human history, due in no small part to one particularly huge fiasco with a coal mine in Pennsylvania. From the Prettiest website on the PlanetPrettiest website on the Planet II |
Masters and Millionaires HotClick Shapelinks Shame Homepage Me © EasyStreet, USA by MrShortcut All rights reserved for those who feed hungry people with my share of your profit. Today, you can feed people at no cost to you ![]() ![]()
If you wish to have your website listed in the top ten on the search engines,
or even have specific individual pages making it to the top ten,
follow the simple rules:
1) Use your keywords (or keyphrases) twice in the title and twice in the description,
and if you're REALLY determined to get into the top ten listings,
it's good to add your keyword (or keyphrase) at least twice.
That means including metatags BESIDES title and description.
As for metatags for keywords, most engines don't even use them.
2) The most important factor in making it into the top ten is relevancy and frequency.
This simply means that you must disperse many intelligent uses of your keyword or keyphrase,
spread throughout the page, including the use of headers (h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, and h6)
"Relevancy" means that your subject matter must match your keyword or keyphrase.
That's the fastest way to get permanently banned from thousands of search engines.
Look at all the web pages and websites that are in the top ten search engine listings,
not for a week or three, but in the top ten week after week, month after month,
such as you find with the Longevity Zen of Health and all Masters and Millionaires sites by MisterShortcut,
you must keep your keywords and keyphrases relevant to the subject in your web pages. Capisce? Excellent.
The top ten search engine listings are easier to attain than you think.
If you want top ten search engine listings for "masters and champions",
make sure your page is mostly ABOUT masters and champions.
Enjoy the Longevity Zen of Health , and use these tricks for mutual benefit.