Surrender liberty for security? It does not work that way.
That's akin to paying someone not to beat you up every day.
It's like the taxpayer, paying represenatives to steal money.
Most taxpayers honestly believe their
rep is an exception.
THEIR elected rep is the rare and
honest person.
Numerically, they know not they
are wrong.
Answer to power, the time is nigh,
each of us chooses
to reach low or
Low power's petty, wielded by fools,
who misperceive skills in flouting the rules.
Now, answer to power as they
most often responding to a subtler hand.
High power's sneaky, snide and yet harder,
grabbing what's not authorized in its charter.
Answer to power that's great with like,
it's only your nerve that needs a good hike.
Match them and slap them, give as good as you get,
then leap ahead with the use of your head.
Answer to power with the best within you,
Answer to power with all your truth.
No one can know and no one can say,
how you choose to respond today,
but answer to power, in this very hour,
this is your time
to answer to power.
.... arrogating all time
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Each that you reach for, teaches your style.
you leech low, or do you reach high,
actions are louder than all of the lies.
choice of respect or to be despised.
After all, it’s your
and the
expense of your time,
Vanity's selection is
NOT how we climb.
The best of the best
live out our truth,
the best…
what’s left of our youth.
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The best within you, elicitable with your own Shortcuts Way of Living.