Shortcuts Way of Living - Shortcuts Shapetalk Poetry is designed to help you to help yourself.
Shortcuts from the universe, to help you on your way,
shortcuts eking out shortcuts, makes each a better play.
Shortcuts for these actions and shortcuts for some of those,
shortcuts can energize all that you are, from your head to your toes.
The most effective success shortcuts are easily observable in champions.
Masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires ALL use great shortcuts.
Shortcuts such as asking more people more times each, the greatest of shortcuts.
Shortcuts such as offering choices, rather than asking merely a "yes" or "no" question.
Even hypnosis, such as conversational hypnosis has truly fantastic shortcuts for you to use.
While no one can by hypnotized into doing what they would not normally do, hypnosis is a GREAT tool.
Bury your command into any sentence where the command words have different meanings than the others.
These shortcuts, and many other universal shortcuts brought to you by the Shortcuts Way of Living, ALL WORK!
These universal shortcuts - PowerGems - provably work approximately every time for all who use them repeatedly.
The Shortcuts Way of Living urges you to stop pretending that you know better until you develop your mastery.
Why do you insist on using one hand to do so many tasks that call for using two hands, saving you time?
Having shortcuts at your disposal is your first step. USING your best shortcuts is your second step.
Waiting for opportunity to come knock on your door is not as profitable as finding your opportunity.
G Bernard Shaw reminded us eloquently that people who get ahead find or create their opportunities.
Furthermore, having shortcuts shapetalk poetry helps with at least three keyphrases worth dominating in.
ALWAYS read between the lines at the Shortcuts Way of Living, because there are ALWAYS more meanings.
All of the wisdom known to humans has meanings beyond the first level that you come to understand and employ.
That is among the most delightful, empowering, profitable functions and features of Shortcuts Way of Living Shapetalk.
Whoever and wherever you are on earth, whatever you do in life, shortcuts will most certainly help you to get there faster.