The Shortcuts Way of Living For LifeWelcomes You Into YOUR Excellence
Shapetalk? -- Speaking In Shapes?
Shapetalk, which has been described as "Shapetalking,"
is a way of artistically expressing internal feeling while saying something worthwhile.
As with so many facets or features of the Shortcuts Way of Living, there is always more.
There is, inevitably and consistently, more than one lesson to be gleaned.
This applies to all manner of wisdom in whatever shape or form it comes.
Triangular thinking or Shapetalk is no exception. Look, and learn.
We do NOT, as you might possibly know, always get what we want.
We DO, however, have a long history of finding what we seek.
Isn't that truth alone enough reason to "up" your search?
Raising your sights quickly raises your expectations.
Raise your expectations and you raise your results.
Shapetalk is just one such expectation.
There are so many others in you, awaiting your focus.
Expecting more of yourself is a remarkably simple step.
If you only learn one shortcut per day, look what happens.
As the last three years have flown by, the next three will, too.
If you're bright, you recognize that they will fly by a bit faster.
In just a thousand days of one new shortcut per day, that's 1,000 shortcuts.
It's the same with dimes, dollars, musical chords, seduction techniques, cooking...
Surely you are capable of learning just one shortcut in a single day about your passionate interest?
There has to be something you're better at than anything else. That's your wisest pursuit.
Shapetalk -- Leading to PowerGems.
Learn more and you're likely to live more,
especially with PowerGems from The Shortcuts Way of Living,
and Shapetalk from the CEO of YOUR fan club, the Godfather of Shortcuts...
...brought to you in pursuit of finding and bringing out the best in you.
Develop more of your potential with the Shortcuts Way of Living, and go for yours, quickly!
Created with love by MisterShortcut, for You