Health is little more or less, than what we choose to eat,
most are shocked to learn how much damage we do with heat.
Did you know that most every food, cooked past ninety-nine,
has lost all the enzymes that were built into the food,
and ergo, cannot hope to do you much good?
Raw is what we should and could,
Go ahead, look, see under the hood,
learn more, then, if and when you would,
uncooked food is where health and nutrition will meet.
Did you know, when you're observing, any super-centenerians,
you'll notice their commonalities are few, often enough to be true,
they nearly all smoke for seventy-plus years, and drink olive oil, yes it's true!
Secret shapetalk, in your ear,
shapetalk meant, for you, my dear.
It's a visual thing, for most cannot hear,
the secrets of shapetalk, until it's made clear.
Secret ShapeTalk, from masters and champions, those who do the best,
read 'twixt the lines, for the secrets in ShapeTalk, then you'll see the rest.
Secret shapetalk, from a genuine seer,
shapetalk intended, to instruct YOU, dear.
It gets visual because, we still refuse to hear,
the secrets of shapetalk, until it's rendered clear.
Secret ShapeTalk, from masters and champions, those who show the rest,
Look for the secrets in ShapeTalk, to know, just how to become your best.
Find that the Shortcuts Way of Living is packed with secret ShapeTalk,
for ShapeTalk secrets at the Shortcuts Way of Living can be found.