Neither the Shortcuts Expressway or Longevity Zen of Health necessarily supports products offered for sale
through the millions of pages of your Shortcuts Expressway and Longevity Zen of Health Web Networks.
In pursuit of helping the world, the Shortcuts Expressway and Longevity Zen of Health are free.
One way of keeping these thousands of MisterShortcut websites free is to permit advertising.
Especially when there are commissions involved, suggestions justifiably reduce credibility.
Thus, we provide the links to USUALLY screened, carefully-selected ads, for you to consider.
Many products ARE good, meriting Shortcuts Expressway or Longevity Zen of Health support.
The challenge is that the ads change so often, and integrity is becoming rarer in our beloved nation,
so it is vital for all us buyers to beware, and always, always ask vendors questions before placing orders.
That being said, these products are carefully screened by Clickbank. We seek fairness, value, and integrity.
Helping to feed the starving online since 1994, the Shortcuts Expressway and Longevity Zen of Health are for YOU.
Buy if you like, don't buy if you don't like, just PLEASE, make sure that your today is focused on your growing excellence.
Do what you love at least an hour or three per week. Someone WILL pay you for your skills.
Whatever you do with your time, you can surely invest an hour or three into your future.
The more you invest into your Shortcuts Expressway, the more it rebounds to you.
An hour or three per week times a hundred weeks and five hundred equals mastery.
Truthfully look back, count the speed of the last four and five hundred weeks of your life.
There is a magic secret in knowing that ten minutes per day adds up to a hundred thousand.
Not over a lifetime! If you're lucky you will get 25,000 good days in which to choose excellence.
Ten minutes per day doing whatever brings you most pleasure totals a quarter of a million minutes.
MisterShortcut invested about fifteen minutes each day into many discrete efforts to develop mastery.
Those extra few minutes added up for MisterShortcut, and they are certain to add up the same for you.
Since you can find a treasure of measure of shortcuts within this little powerchat, list them for you.
When you make a written list, you free up your brain to get to the next layer of inevitable wisdom.
Get this clear from someone who thinks hundreds of thoughts to your one, and can pass it to you.
When we suspend preconception to embrace a wisdom, we profoundly grow our intelligence.
One of the greatest little bits of wisdom is understanding that there is one magic to wisdom.
It is perfect, and it is delectably unlimited. Are you ready to increase your intelligence?
Every bit of wisdom you learn, every iota of information that has some value to you,
always, without fail, has more and better benefits than what you have seen so far.
May the ads of the Shortcuts Expressway be more than adequately justified.
Shortcuts Expressway PowerGems are hidden all over these many sites.
As often as not, PowerGems are hidden right in plain site, and sight.
Always look for the 2nd meaning, so you can find the 3rd, 4th...
because there are masters and millionaires rooting you on.
This is a bit of Shapetalk, in hope of boosting your chances,
Domainers, Domainists, and Domaineers, all collecting SweetDomains. These are some of what the Shortcuts Expressway considers SweetDomains,
Lee Iaccoca taught that the ultimate salesman/woman is not the guy or gal that makes the sale, for everyone can make a sale.
TAGS:, Shortcuts Expressway ShapeTalk Zone, Master Secrets of Success, MisterShortcut,
Share a cute bit of Shapetalk, in pursuit of your better chances,
Masters & champions.
Words are air, actions are matter.
TAGS: Shapetalk And Opinions
Oh, yes you CAN change the world with daily free clickthroughs.
because Life provides us only so many rounds, so many Sunday dances.
Shapetalk might often tease you, and Shapetalk may just as well please you.
Most of all the Shortcuts Expressway hopes, that Shapetalk will release you.
The bonds that hold you back are doubts, the traitors that Shakespeare wrote of,
and the greatest of secrets, PowerGems, that lie beneath Shapetalk, you may take a hold of.
The secrets of masters and millionaires, the shapetalk of champions and billionaires,
follow the Shapetalk, find what's inside, and maybe YOU'll be our first trillionaire.
The Shortcuts Expressway is pleased to be the Shapetalk Capital of the World,
whereas the Longevity Zen of Health vies also for that central Shapetalk spot.
Thus, via both the Shortcuts Expressway and the Longevity Zen of Health ,
Shapetalk presents many of the greatest master secrets of the universe.
What you do speaks so loudly we can hardly hear a word you say.
Embrace this Shortcuts Expressway Shapetalk, and win more.
Your life is meant to mean more than it is meaning to us now.
Find what you need inside many thousands of Shapetalks.
Bad guys are in too much of a rush to seek meanings.
Yes, sure, the bright ones catch the first of wisdom.
The hungry can learn to seek second meanings.
The hungriest learn third meanings, and more
Shortcuts Expressway - Perceptions Of SweetDomains
perenially and perfervidly pursuing greater effective skills in helping people to help themselves, because the playing fields are not even enough.
Do not wait for the rich men to come down and offer a hand up. They are too few for the rest of humanity to await their pleasure or service.
The Shortcuts Expressway was born of loving to give free information, not cash money.
The entire set of websites, highly-ranked for many, many sets of keyphrases is for sale.
All this can be yours for just $21,000,000, or the offer we like most among all offers. - OneShortcut Is A Shortcuts Expressway Keyword - DoctorShortcut Prescription Of Masters & champions - Godfather of EyeCandy and Shortcuts is Mister-Shortcut - Your Shortcuts Expressway Translates To More Shortcuts - The Shortcuts Expressway Inveigles Your Mastery - Godfather of Shortcuts Proves How Important You Are - More Shortcuts From Your Shortcuts Expressway - MrShortcut Shares Shortcuts Expressway-Level of Great Shortcuts - Electrify Your Results With Your Own Shortcuts Expressway Approach - - Because 1 Shortcut May Be Enough To Profoundly Alter Your Everything - Imitating Masters Tends To Work - Thus A Shortcuts Expressway PowerGem - Deliciously sweet domain to bring you your own Shortcuts Expressway version - Fill up your own self-prescription with Longevity Zen of Health HealthGems - Every World-Class Master, Every Last Champion Has A Favorite Shortcut - EyeCandy And PowerGems Wisdom of Masters - From Mr-Shortcut
MrShortcut.US - "Self-Empowerment Is Defined And Measured By Your Hunger" - For Delicious One Word Domains, Shortcut Does The Trick - Champions and Billionaires Use GreatShortcuts - Great-Shortcuts Of Masters And Millionares
Mister-Shortcut.US - Succeed Faster With Mister-Shortcut PowerGems - - Shortcuts Expressway Shares The Best Shortcuts - Best-Shortcuts of Masters and Millionaires And Winners
MisterShortcut.Me - - Click Into The Shortcuts Expressway with MisterShortcut - MisterShortcut Rich EyeCandy BrainCandy Invitations
Shorcuts.US - PowerGems - Shorcuts Are Shorter Shortcuts - Shortcuts From, right? - Why spend a million for when YOU can buy - This is called a PRE-TLD, and it is a deliciously sweet domain to deliver your shortcuts
Shortcuts.Me.Uk - Shortcuts Are Me In The Uk Too - Squeeze Your Shortcuts For Productivity
Domain gives us a subdomain, or pre-TLD, -
S.hortcuts.US - Let Us Shower The World With Shortcuts!
Both of these Shortcuts Expressway domains are websites! - Promoting the cause of shortcuts - The first MisterShortcut EyeCandy domain - (EyeCandy Needs IE, or compatible) - Shortcuts ARE My Name Thanks To The Shortcuts Expressway - Success Shortcuts Of Masters And Millionaires
Success-Shortcuts.US - Success-Shortcuts Of Champions and Billionaires - What can you say about 1xx0? Sweet little domain with giant potential - Regulata Appears To Be The Rule With Anyone's Shortcuts Expressway - - The Shortcuts Expressway Shapetalk Capital Rich With Your PowerGems - Shortcuts Way of Living Shapetalk Network, leading to the greatest shortcuts - Because the Shapetalker Proffers The Shortcuts Expressway In Shapetalk - When you possess even one of many wealth facts, presume that wealth fact to be YOUR PERSONAL wealth fact - The Shortcuts Expressway Presents WealthFact as a keyword, as a fact for self-empowement facts and shortcuts - The domain name alone is catchy, memorable, and brokered for sale by the Shortcuts Way of Living
The Shortcuts Expressway is the ultimate in self-empowerment, with the Godfather of EyeCandy, for You
These are the great shortcuts of masters and millionaires, the great shortcuts of champions and billionaires,
indubitably YOUR shortcuts to succeeding. That's why the Shortcuts Expressway is free for your life
The ultimate salesman or saleswoman is the man or woman who gets repeat business... ... delivering more than promised.
Since the Shortcuts Expressway delivers more than promised, here are some of the extra freebies we want to include.
Let your imagination run free on what else the Shortcuts Expressway and Longevity Zen of Health include for free.
Every domain or website purchase from the Shortcuts Expressway - Longevity Zen of Health includes freebies. - Not only for misspelling, SHORcuts get you there faster - Misspelled Domains have powerful advantages, plus, SHORcuts
Alternative-Remedies.US - Smart people embrace Longevity Zen of Health HealthGems
Raising your intelligence and using alternative remedies go hand in hand. Alternative is really a misnomer.
The truth is that these modern-day patent-medicines sicken and kill far more than they have ever benefited.
When we put artificial nutrition into our bodies, we can fairly expect to have no more than artificial health.
Even tiny differences can incorporate (and become) enormous differences, when you take a big step back.
Look not to your opinions, or people who merely make it up to some high number, without great health.
If you do not, forgive please, "take a good dump" the last thirty years of living, misery surely presides.
A teaspoon or more of air-dried sea salt, especially if you drink it with water before breakfast? Wow!
This alone can change your life, just as using HCL with every cooked meal reverses time damages,
and by no small modest amount, from the first time you take HCL, especially with an activator.
Boost your brain by learning more, boost your brain even more by using what you learn.
Atop the list: What you know is a distant second to what you do with what you know.
And now a commercial break from the Shortcuts Expressway and Longevity Zen of Health
Shapetalk on the secrets of success. Shortcuts Expressway delicious EyeCandy and wisdom.
Self-empowerment does not mean knowing the master secrets of the success: Not enough.
Self-empowerment is USE of the master secrets of success, many of which you know.
You knew them as a young child, when you were determined to learn at high speed.
It is not physiologically that your brain slows down. It is by your choice.
Your wish and need to fit in suck up literally millions of your thoughts.
Thus does your brain get cheated of millions of its great moments.
If you do not "believe" there are master secrets of the universe,
then you do not "believe" in the facts of proven science.
Shapetalk Redux - Shortcuts Expressway
embrace the best of your Shapetalk, before the end of your dances.
Shapetalk could certainly please you, Shapetalk might just as well tease you.
above it all the Shortcuts Expressway hopes this Shapetalk might release you.
The bonds that hold us back are such doubts, like the traitors that Shakespeare spake of,
the most potent of all secrets, PowerGems, found inside Shapetalk, you ought take a hold of.
The secrets of champions and billionaires, the shapetalk of masters and millionaires,
are found within Shapetalk, see what it hides, perhaps YOU'll be our first trillionaire.
The Shortcuts Expressway is thrilled to be the Shapetalk Capital of the World,
and yet, the Longevity Zen of Health is vying for the coveted Shapetalk spot.
Thus, via both the Shortcuts Expressway and the Longevity Zen of Health ,
Shapetalk presents many of the greatest master secrets of the universe.
Better to be silent, counted a fool, than to speak and remove doubt.
What you do speaks so loudly we can hardly hear a word you say.
Embrace this Shortcuts Expressway Shapetalk, and win more.
Look to the wisest, the most accomplished, the longest-lived.
These are all role models worth imitating then, refining on.
They live Shortcuts Expressway Shapetalk as a habit.
The breathe in Longevity Zen of Health for a lifetime.
Raising your intelligence is among the most desirable of skills.
Raising your intelligence two times, and three times, proves a pattern.
Patterns and recipes are meant to be replicated by who commits to mastery.
So similar to growing muscles, raising your intelligence is about exercise.
Is your brain any less important than a muscle that you exercise?
You have the choice of raising your intelligence each day.
The more you exercise your mind, the brighter you prove to be.
There's no way to raise your intelligence accidentally, only by intention.
Considering who you have known who raised their intelligence, we know you can.
This Shapetalk is brought to you by the Shortcuts Expressway and Longevity Zen of Health .
Shortcuts are one secret,
as shared in this Shapetalk.
Shortcuts accelerate success,
as Shapetalk accelerates learning.
The Shortcuts Expressway reminds:
Shortcuts are a hugely untapped resource,
such as using two hands where you use one.
Using more of what you already have generates more.
Repeat it one hundred times, faster, and see for yourself.
Shortcuts are the best tools for accelerating any desired result.
Ever buy food prepared by someone else? Is this not a shortcut?
Ever ask someone to do something that you could've done yourself?
How many shortcuts have you used when faced with emergency deadlines?
Have you ever performed two totally separate tasks, with skill, at the same time?
These are shortcuts you've used countless times before, that' you're still using daily.
Every one of us uses shortcuts. The smarter you get, the more shortcuts you figure out.
Sometimes, the best shortcut of all is to find someone else already using great shortcuts.
By simply mimicking their words, actions, even their attitudes and physical postures,
you are indubitably certain to repeatedly duplicate or near-duplicate their results.
Imitating the actions of champions is how we fastest imitate their best results.
It's not the art of success, it is the replicable science of success; a recipe.
When you follow the recipe you tend to get identical or similar results.
Rather than focusing on food recipes, here, it is about success.
the Shortcuts Expressway of masters and millionaires,
who ask better questions so as to get better answers.
because even you deserve a big taste of success.
The ;Shortcuts Expressway urges you on,
in hope that you'll use your new wealth,
intelligently, and compassionately,
because it all comes back to us:
bad, good, and indifferent.
Shortcuts, easing life.
YOUR shortcuts.
.Shortcuts Expressway Shapetalk Wisdom Eleven
Actions are matter, in both senses.
Words are air, where actions are matter.
Words are air, while actions are what matter.
Words are air, where your actions matter more.
Cease pretending to know more than those who do.
Count out the meanings in that one sentence of wisdom.
How many separate meanings do you understand from this?
Back up briefly to pluck it out for your instant brain expansion.
Everything wise that you ever encounter has multiple meanings.
That gives you multiple directions from which to approach anything.
If you are interested in shattering records, particularly world records,
there is only one perfectly reliable source, known as the horse's mouth.
Even experience itself is not a perfect source; experience comes with errors.
Only the voices and actions of those who have done it can tell us truth.
imitating their attitudes and demonstrations can teach us truth.
Imitate the physical posture and breathing of depression.
Now imitate the physical attributes of your last large joy.
Do not speak of it until you engage your highest gears.
Stop pretending to know more before you do more.
Close your eyes and pretend to be 100 stories high,
peeking down at your feet slipping over the edge.
Now you know proof that ideas are very physical.
Changing them to reality needs a clear definition.
Describe what you need and when you need it by.
Definition-wise, a goal is a dream with a deadline.
If you knew more, surely you would do much more.
A high-speed Shortcuts Way of Living is to follow the leaders.
Your personality, your initiative, your experiences, are added later.
Your job in the next two thousand hours of your life is to define & refine.
Tell us in a dozen words or less, each - what your top ten lifetime goals now are.
Each goal must be attached to a list of organizations and people who can help out.
Asking each one of them seven to eight times each guarantees that you will have help.
Thus, other people will be actively working to help you achieve each of your critical goals.
Start in the next five to ten minutes, listing precisely what you want, as detailed as you wish.
You will rapidly beat the increasing curve of stupidity, ignorance, & most all of all, mediocrity.
Folks who believe that one national brand is better than another, that one car does a better job,
those millions who actually send their money to billionaires they will never meet or benefit from,
sentence themselves to lifetimes of mediocrity, while you easily exempt yourself from this, winning.
Recover some 80 percent of all your discretionary cash by not sending them to advertisers and execs.
If you only save, say, fifty per week, for 100 fast-flying weeks, what can or will you do with five thousand?
This Shortcuts Expressway Shapetalk advises you that what you say means so much less than what you do
Jump onto the bandwagon of wealth. If "blessed," you will earn up to 2,000 paychecks in your lifetime, right?
Never mind waiting for bigger paychecks later on. Even self-employed, EVERY piece of income, take a piece.
You must pay yourself first, by putting some of that money into NEVER TOUCH status, to bring other money.
Jack Canfield's Law Of Accumulation is so solid: Each bit of cash you stash causes more to come to you.
The Shortcuts Expressway begs you to stop forming opinions, you do not know more than millionaires.
Within this Shapetalk are numerous master secrets of the universe, guaranteed to bring you profit.
Never again, as long as you live, ever forget that every piece of wisdom has multiple layers in it.
When you think you understand any bit of wisdom, absorb it several more times for each layer
This does not mean you will live as a pauper. Each delay brings huge profits.
If you are seriously materialistic, you can spend hugely when you have huge sums.
Learn here and now if you have not learned it already that dollars are hundreds.
Each piece of paper money that you invest rather than spend multiplies for you.
Each one becomes double at some point in time, at which time it is re-invested.
For example, when you learn to increase a sum by one percent, you know all.
When you increase something by one percent, just repeat it a hundred times.
As you get learn to achieve that one percent just a little bit faster each time,
you achieve doubling faster and faster with each repetition of one hundred.
Now, get this, the most delicious mathematical fact of wealth development:
What you double ten times is not ten times what you started out with, hm?
Anything you double ten times yields for you a one thousand times return.
What you double ten times becomes a thousand times what you began with.
There are more than a few ways you can earn one percent in a week, or a day.
It does not even matter how modestly you start off, provided you re-invest profits.
If you knew better, you'd do better. Until then, heed masters and millionaires who do.
These are master secrets of the universe of wealth development. Speak less and do more.
Title might reasonably be cited as ShapeTalk And Shortcuts - The Godfather Of EyeCandy Brings You The Best of Shapetalk - EyeCandy And Shortcuts Via Shapetalk
Description showing as: ShapeTalk and shortcuts go together at the Shortcuts Expressway. Master secrets presented via EyeCandy Shapetalk. Learning master secrets, interactive learning, EyeCandy Shapetalk
Page-topic fairly expounded upon as, say, Shapetalk, Wisdom via EyeCandy Shapetalk, Shortcuts Expressway, ShapeTalking, Master Secrets of Success, MisterShortcut, EyeCandy Shapetalk Wisdom
Abstract is represented with the phrasing thus: ShapeTalk and shortcuts go together at the Shortcuts Expressway. Master secrets presented via EyeCandy Shapetalk. Learning master secrets, interactive learning, EyeCandy Shapetalk
Most Shapetalk websites will have metatags indicating the Shapetalk connection, via the Psychology of Shortcuts. For now, subject stands as: ShapeTalk and shortcuts go together at the Shortcuts Expressway. Master secrets presented via EyeCandy Shapetalk. Learning master secrets, interactive learning, EyeCandy Shapetalk
Keyphrase, representationally, can be, in this page, ShapeTalk and shortcuts go together at the Shortcuts Expressway. Master secrets presented via EyeCandy Shapetalk. Learning master secrets, interactive learning, EyeCandy Shapetalk
Keywords include ShapeTalk, shortcuts, together, Shortcuts Expressway, Master, secrets, presented, EyeCandy, Shapetalk, Learning, master,
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Stop forming opinions. Frew of them have been to your advantage. Cogitate prior to opining.
Exchanging even 1 of every 10 petty, chatty minutes for a minute of your best thinking brings you profit.
The best opinions you can benefit from are the opinions of those who have successfully done it... repeatedly.
The Shortcuts Expressway believes hugely in your self-empowerment, with The Godfather of EyeCandy, for You
These are the great shortcuts of masters and millionaires, the great shortcuts of champions and billionaires,
shortcuts that work most very time, and have been working for masters and millionaires for centuries,
and provably your shortcuts to succeeding. That's why the Shortcuts Expressway is free for your life
EyeCandy Shapetalk shortcuts from the Psychogy of Shortcuts. Empower yourself to help yourself.
The Shortcuts Expressway is pleased to be a Shapetalking Corner of the Internet. Help yourself.
The Shortcuts Expressway is a repository for shortcuts, from your own Psychology of Shortcuts.
The Psychology of Shortcuts has always existed inside of you; you have mostly ignored it.
So, the Shortcuts Expressway urges you to get on the road to your accelerated success.
Shapetalk is one of many methods engaged by the Shortcuts Expressway... for you.
Sagacity Of The Shortcuts Way of Living
Is it true? What goes up must come down?
How do you think you'll feel after 100 days of clicking once per day?
If you were to click all these buttons, what would accrue in 1,000 days?
If you think you grasp the basic powers of the universe, think of Newton.
When you save a hundred lives and a thousand, you cannot avoid the profit.
MisterShortcut invested more than 180,000,000 of life's most precious possessions into you.
These potent secrets and shortcuts - PowerGems - are extended so you can help the helpless.
Do not take lightly the fantastic powers of the universe that open up to you when you save lives.
Whether you save pets or chimps, rainforest acreage or starving children, every click counts.
Ask everyone you know to clickthrough once a day, we will save the planet with free clicks.
That is the effective price for the Shortcuts Way of Living - free clickthroughs each day.
Wealth, such as in dreams, assured by the most record-shattering human of all time.
Click through every day. Exhort others to click daily. Wealth is an assured result.
The Shortcuts Way of Living is free for who helps the helpless, the hopeless.
Each time someone else saves a life with a free click that you solicited,
you both get one full credit for saving a life, tree, etc. Count that.
If you think you understand wealth, and how to attract money,
try this potent Shortcuts Way of Living secret of success.
What you do is so loud we cannot hear your words.
Saving many lives assures the money coming.
Shapetalk - Shortcuts Way of Living Shapetalk Semi-Index - Just a taste of Shapetalk\
Shapetalk and shortcuts, lined up in a row,
the Shortcuts Way of Living Shapetalk show.
Reach for more within yourself, repeatedly, TODAY,
that your internal Shortcuts Way of Living might have its way.
You have a Shortcuts Way of Living inside of you, waiting for you.
The best within you, elicitable with your own Shortcuts Way of Living.