- Information all about Shapetalk, from the mouth of the horse, creator and innovator of Shapetalk, your very own Godfather of EyeCandy - Next in the Shapetalk websites series. Learn the master secrets of the universe by living your own perception of the Shortcuts Way of Living - By wrapping wisdom into individual lines of Shapetalk EyeCandy, the Shortcuts Way of Living Shapetalker makes wisdom lessons more fun - First domain to introduce an entire website of Shapetalk PowerGems - core wisdom of the Shortcuts Way of Living and Psychology of Longevity - The Godfather of EyeCandy incorporated Shapetalking into health & wealth wisdom with Psychology of Longevity and Shortcuts Way of Living. - The Godfather of Shortcuts and EyeCandy invested 180,000,000 preciously irreplaceable seconds to be YOUR Shortcuts Way of Living Shapetalker - Second collection of MisterShortcut EyeCandy Shapetalks, where the shortcuts of masters and millionaires and the great champions are fun to learn. - Another network of Shapetalks from the Godfather of EyeCandy and Shapetalk, helping you help yourself, in greater hope of you helping more helpless - Assenting that "organization" is a relative word, Shapetalk is presented with SOME measure of organization at - Enjoy, learn, and do, more - A melange of PowerGems wisdom and EyeCandy, where the Shortcuts Way of Living and Psychology of Longevity bring you the world of Shapetalking - 1st name of MisterShortcut's game is shortcuts, often delivered through shapetalk. If your biz is Shapetalk, then it makes sense to head over to - If the Shortcuts Way of Living does not merit a shapetalking network, if the Psychology of Longevity earns no shapetalking network, then who fairly does? - 1st collection of wisdom-rich Shapetalks. EyeCandy presentations of the PowerGems that constitute the Shortcuts Way of Living and Psychology of Longevity
Shapetalk and Shortcuts, mostly from the Shortcuts Way of Living, and to a lesser degree, the Psychology of Longevity,
are intended to achieve more than merely impressing you, pleasing you, engaging you to fill in all the colors of a page,
reaching instead to have you look inside the Shapetalk to find the shortcuts, what you will find to be your best shortcuts.
Shapelinks.US - Self-descriptive, Shapelinks are Shortcuts Way of Living interactive EyeCandy hotlinks guiding us into the Shortcuts Way of Living and Psychology of Longevity - Deliciously interactive EyeCandy links - different effects in different browsers, all leading to Shortcuts Way of Living PowerGems, the most universal shortcuts - When building a network of Shapelinks, it helps to have Shortcuts Way of Living EyeCandy Wisdom to enjoy the formative moments of a Shapelinks network - As an ad hoc organization formed many years ago, the Shortcuts Way of Living ought to organize Shapelinks into Shapelinks coherence, wouldn't you say? - With literally millions of links into the Shortcuts Way of Living, the Shortcuts Way of Living turns such links into EyeCandy Shapelinks for your edutainment - For further information on Shortcuts Way of Living and Psychology of Longevity Shortcuts, follow the sweet eyecandy hotlinks at now - Would a Shapelinks network be complete without a Shapelinks website, as in .ws? From the Shortcuts Way of Living, for and to your self-empowerment. - Such a sweet domain and sweeter website, perhaps the shortcut capital of the internet, since we know one shortcut can be YOUR big acceleration shortcut - Referring to the Shortcuts Way of Living, the name of the game is shortcuts, the game of life, personified, vitalized, by YOUR Shortcuts Way of Living - When embracing the Shortcuts Way of Living and Psychology of Longevity with fullest ardor, shortcuts do become me - delightful one-word domain - Demonstrating that great shortcuts are universal, from the UK to every other place where the Shortcuts Way of Living is adopted - embraced - Godfather of EyeCandy, Godfather of Shortcuts - surely the Shortcuts Way of Living is inclined toward this domain as its one true name - Premium one-word domain that gladdens the heart of your host, the Shortcuts Way of Living of masters, millionaires, & champions - AOL paid $1mm for, while the Shortcuts Way of Living found for just $8. - Excellence cannot happen accidentally with success shortcuts from your Shortcuts Way of Living - Sharing the Shortcuts Way of Living Success Network with others is our primary intention
www.Success-Shortcuts.US - The Shortcuts Way of Living is constituted of the best success shortcuts
Shortcuts unto shortcuts from the mother ship of shortcuts,
for the health and wealth we might still deserve,
the wealth worth more than fine orchids.
Health, of course, is true wealth,
its theft so often done in stealth.
When you have one, you get the other,
and without it is worse than having no mother.
Shortcuts from other shortcuts, that's what we see,
both the Shortcuts Way of Living and Psychology of Longevity.
If Shapelinks EyeCandy appeals to you, and the look of Shapetalk,
imagine how much more appealing YOU become when you habitually use shortcuts.
In the same minutes that you now brush your hair, you can brush it twice as much,
and exercise potently, by simply picking up another brush and using both hands.
Your life is rich with shortcuts, you are actually surrounded by great shortcuts.
If you see that we do not always get what we want, you can see a flip side.
While we don's always get what we want, we often get what we expect.
Raising your expectations has a pronounced effect upon the universe.
No need to believe the Shortcuts Way of Living, or other sources,
relying upon yourself instead by using this PowerGem, again.
You have used it before, when critically, urgently moved.
The Shortcuts Way of Living urges the truth of urgency,
because your life is slipping past, 86,400 per day,
86,400 seconds, also known as opportunities.
The more you use, the more you may lose.
The more you invest, the more you get.
86,400 are slipping past, every day.
Try the Shortcuts Way of Living,
already deep within you now.
Just bring what you know.
Use enough of your favorite shortcuts, enough times,
and those shortcuts will tend to yield further shortcuts.
This is a frequent treat of utilizing your Shortcuts Way of Living.
When two or more people do it together, popcorning abounds.
Stop pretending to know more than those who repeatedly do more.
Imitating those you admire most is among the fastest of approaches,
the most efficient and effective way to repeatedly imitate their results.
Let the shortcuts you have already used well ... ... guide you to create new shortcuts.
Even if this shortcut is not a full cornerstone of the Shortcuts Way of Living, it is a potent tool.
Life has long proven that the more we use our best tools, the wider becomes the reach of those tools.
Shapelinks and Shapetalk are interactive features of the Shortcuts Way of Living and Psychology of Longevity.
Repeated use of the wisdom in each Shapetalk moves you into YOUR Shortcuts Way of Living and Psychology of Longevity.
Who does best knows best. Most of those you admire are living out their own Shortcuts Way of Living and Psychology of Longevity.