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For example, each day of your life has a certain number of fully wasted minutes,
minutes you can reclaim immediately for far more useful investment on your behalf.
Every time you get into a conversation with someone, take note of what you speak about.
When you find yourself outside of the zone that's most useful to you, shorten your chat.
Wise people discuss ideas, average people discuss events, mediocre people discuss other people.
Doubling your results is a result of doubing your efforts.
It begins with a single improvement of one percent.
Any one percent that is repeated one hundred times reveals more than a doubling of your results!
What a self-empowering start. because talking about other people has little profit.
That doesn't mean you eliminate every minute of just unwinding with a bit of gab.
What it does mean is a reduction of minutes that are perfectly wasteful.
While "perfect" is a nice word, "wasteful" is not quite so.
Most of your minutes are yours to do with as you wish.
By trimming wasteful minutes just a few at a time,
you instantly reap more minutes to wisely use.
Let's make this change effective right now.
Every conversation, keep this in focus.
Every conversation, trim a minute.
This alone returns, over time,
many thousands of minutes.
Think you could use them?
In reality, YOU are the greatest doctors, because you and only you can heal you.
The Longevity Zen of Health reminds you that it is not the medicines or the doctors or the vitamins, supplements, minerals, or enzymes.
These can only help you to help yourself - help you to heal yourself because it is the actual human system that does the healing, and nothing else.
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Healthiest wealthiest website in the world. This is the Longevity Zen of Health , part of MrShortcut's Longevity Zen of Health to Excellence, all here for your life.
EyeCandy at the prettiest website on the internet.. WoW times four. Eye candy And Brain Candy with Mister-Shortcut
excellent health shortcuts - learn more to live more
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made with love by Mister-Shortcuts, for You
You're visiting the internet's largest empowerment website and best source of shortcuts, The Longevity Zen of Health .
Designed for you to learn and enjoy the greatest shortcuts of masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires,
in order to for you to live healthier and wealthier, living happier and more fulfilled with these best shortcuts.
The Longevity Zen of Health is a sort of subdivision or subsidiary of the empowering Longevity Zen of Health .
The Longevity Zen of Health is self-explanatory, pursuing the best information on health and Longevity,
embracing the methods and secrets of long-lived people. Good health begins with learning more.
The more we learn, the longer and stronger we tend to live. We'd like YOU to live longer.
We believe this goal will be enhanced and empowered by the Longevity Zen of Health .
All one thousand of the websites entitled "Masters and Millionaires Shortcuts,"
and all of these "healthiest websites" pertaining to health and Longevity,
have all been designed and created by the Godfather of Shortcuts,
also known as the Godfather of EyeCandy for his innovations.
They exist because you are a valuable, important human being.
Fact is, there is a mathematical need to recognize, like it or not,
that you may be one of the thousand of each generation,
one thousand very unique humans,
who truly change the world for you
laying forth a trail as pioneers do, for you.
That why all this is presented to you, by theGodfather of Shortcuts ,
for you to succeed faster,
for you to live stronger for longer, using the best and greatest shortcuts of role models,
the same shortcuts used by leaders, masters, millionaires, champions and billionaires.
Learn more in order to live more. You'll certainly benefit from the shortcuts,
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These delicious approaches, the secrets and shortcuts to success at the Longevity Zen of Health ,
are condensed from perfect laws of life, making the Longevity Zen of Health a worthwhile path of pursuit.
Reach for more inside of yourself and you will be astonished at what is inside of you,
just waiting to be brought out in the best possible light. Now, it's your turn.
You know how to succeed already. The same methods you've used for emergencies?
Use them for non-emergencies and you'll agree you DO know how to succeed.
You cannot learn less, so learn more with the Longevity Zen of Health AND the Longevity Zen of Health ,
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You cannot suspend the laws of physics, so it's wise to profit repeatedly from them.
You will find that this fruit of the Longevity Zen of Health tastes delicious.
Live Stronger For Longer!! With so many advances in technology,
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That is what these healthy wealthy websites are all about, and, beyond all seeming possibility,
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In return, you're invited to pass on such assistance as you achieve here,
not leastly by feeding starving people, of whom there are far too many.
The Longevity Zen of Health , free for your life for a reason:
You're worth every minute and more.