Easing Psoriatic Symptoms - All-Natural Relief From Psoriasis from Mr ShortcutsIt is time to take control. There is no magic panacea for psoriasis, although there are a number of natural approaches that do work like near-magic. Only an imbecile waits for Pharma to come up with something safe. Do not allow people to successfully advise you that you cannot profoundly ease your psoriasis naturally. Learn and use any one or more of the many natural approaches, the natural shortcuts to reducing or even erasing the effects of psoriasis, and other skin conditions.
Petrolatum, also known as petroleum jelly, was a product many of us believed to be good. It was only in the 1980's that it became clear how many more concerns spring from our use of petroleum products. We simply did not know the full facts.
NOTE ON SUNBLOCK: Sunblock is needed (initially) only for those with very pale skin. With medium or dark coloring, there is no benefit to sun block, only detriment, because you're preventing the benefits of the ultraviolet rays from going skin deep). All else is commercial hype designed to promote sales of products with artificial, and unhealthy ingredients. Sunlight is wonderfully healthy. For many years I've used Hawaiian Tropic, or a generic equivalent, containing only natural emollients such as fruit oils when grabbing my five daily minutes of sunshine or a day at the beach When out in the sun more than a few minutes, the sun is causing the skin to cook. By no stretch of the imagination should you think that your skin stops cooking when it comes out of the sun. Good way to tell this is to place your hands flat against your sun-exposed skin eree to eight hours after coming out of the sun. You'll invariably find it's still hot to the touch. It's why you get darker and darker in the hours AFTER you come out of the sun than you do while you're in the sun. This is so simple; simple enough, in fact, that we overlook such simplicity in our eagerness to find more complicated reasons, explanations, causes, and excuses, rather than using simple techniques to good and beneficial effect. When we come out of the sun and artificially reduce the skin temperature with a shower and/or air conditioning, we specifically interfere with the natural process of the body, and its desire to cool down gradually; and we all know that it's just not nice to fool Mother Nature, any more than it's wise to fool WITH Mother Nature. Let your body take its time cooling naturally, over the period of hours it determines on its own. This is much healthier, and goes far in curing the lesions that are the manifestation of psoriasis and several other similar skin conditions. Yes, yes, your skin is all oily, and its inconvenient. No one says you have to stay completely oily; you can gently wipe, VERY gently wipe excess oil from your skin with a wet washcloth even a few minutes after you come out of the sun. Better to pat the oil off than to actively rub it off. Ten or more times my psoriases has flared up in particularly stressful times, and ten or more times I've reduced it 90 to 100% within a matter of days simply getting sunshine after wetting and oiling up. EMERGENCY TREATMENT There are times when you have what amounts to a skin attack, and most of you psoriasis sufferers know precisely what this means, when the burning and itching are driving you to scratch and scratch, ending up with that horrid burning, and usually bleeding as well. RELAX – THERE IS AN INSTANT TREATMENT THAT WORKS APPROXIMATELY 100% OF THE TIME, NEVER KNOWN TO FAIL!!! -- Wet the area and ice it. Immediately. Whether you put ice cubes in a cloth, or plastic bag, or directly on the burning skin area depends on precisely how badly it's burning and/or itching. Soaking the area in icy cold water is even better. Decide for yourself on an event-by-event basis. Personally, I've just grabbed an ice cube and rubbed it on the area, gaining relief in seconds. Sometimes, when the burning goes away, there is still some itching, and you get that feeling that you just HAVE to scratch. If you do, better do so gently. It is better, and more effectively long-lasting if you instead take a cold, wet washcloth and gently gently gently run the affected area, so that you are softly removing all of the excess skin cells that are irritating the skin beneath the buildup of excess cells. Better to gently scratch the itch with something OTHER than your fingernails, a particularly disastrous tool which feels wonderful during those few seconds of scratching the itch away, and then up to a full day of hurtful burning/bleeding. Softly rubbing away the excess skin cells that are the symptoms of this problem is still the best way. Obviously, it works best when the affected area is actually under water, which shows us another expeditious way of applying this excellent, fast-acting method. Simply jump into the bathtub as its filling with less-than-hot water, even cool water if it's comfortable for you, and gently rubbing the affected areas with a dripping wet cloth. Then, thoroughly rub small amounts or oil in. Not only have these methods worked for me, they work well for others, as well. Seems a good time to share it with you, since you and I definitely understand how unpleasant skin conditions can be. You are urged, with considerable vigor of discourse, to ignore so-called conventional wisdom. If they knew better, they'd do better; true or not? I am free of those horrid little spots that brought a thousand hours of distress until figuring out just how effective these techniques are. Obviously, there are no dangers or chemicals, or significant expenses to these high-powered shortcuts to attaining relief from psoriasis and a half-dozen similar afflictions. A whole week of this treatment still takes less time, and just a tiny fraction of the effort and expense of going to just one appointment with a dermatologist. Here, you've gotten it from the horse's mouth, and there are only two ends of a horse dispensing information. If you're not getting it from the horse's mouth, well please tell us at which end of the horse we'll find you. Thank me later. 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Excellence has never been known to be caused or achieved accidentally. Win on purpose!
Identify a deadline, because that's what converts a dream into a goal, a simple deadline.
Divide your goal into 21 or 89 or 144 pieces: Small pieces are more digestible, true?
Identify the people and organizations in a position to help you achieve your goal.
Before you estimate a truly substantial likelihood of attaining this prime goal,
remember we must always have a strong enough WHY to find the HOW
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These inclusions of Fibonacci by virtue of inserting Fibonacci numbers here and there just may help!
It is not possible for a prescription drug to cure your psoriasis.
Just for the heck of it, we include Pizzas.work (SEO shoutout)
Fibonacci.US Fibonacci.work
The Universal Shortcuts Zen encourages you to both learn about Fibonacci, and to use Fibonacci.
Never form opinions on new information until you have examined and made use of that info.
How's this for freaky? Reading this little bit of Shapetalk one hundred times is a shortcut.
By the time you have done so, you will know dozens of meanings you do not yet see.
YOUR Universal Shortcuts Zen is the agglomeration of the very best of all teachers,
those in at least three of the four cornerstones of the Universal Shortcuts Zen:
masters and millionaires, great champions and uninheriting billionaires.
Stop pretending to know more. It stops your wisdom from emerging.
Whatever you want most, ask for it thousands of times this year.
Extra hungry? Ask 100 per day, thirty-six thousand per year.
There is little chance you will not have what you ask for.
There is success, and there are excuses for lack of it.
The Universal Shortcuts Zen bakes your excuses.
What remains is your emerging excellence.
Shortcuts work when we work shortcuts!
Excellence cannot happen accidentally!
Use shortcuts to make shortcuts work.
Psoriasis is one of many examples.
Water, oil, sunshine, in order.
Remediate your psoriasis!!
That's because patented drugs are NOT designed to heal anything.
They are specifically crafted to SUPPRESS symptoms. No cures.
All the Rx medicines taken, billions of dollars every day...
and you cannot name one that cures even one disease, can you?
This one fact appears to have slipped past all of your filters.
If the Rx was safe, it would not require an MD's signature, would it?
There is no such thing as a safe Rx, by definition. If there was, it'd be OTC.
You can ease symptoms of psoriasis from the outside, best of all with oil, water, and sunshine.
To CURE or fully remediate psoriasis? That is only achieved from the inside out to be comprehensive.
Since you cannot learn less about anything, why not learn more bout natural psoriasis approaches?
Learn more to live more. That applies to psoriasis, and, of course, to every facet of your life.
Living more is approximately the highest point a human might hope to reach in one lifetime.
Why allow it to be marked by mediocrity, and daily repetition until too many years pass?
Why not embrace excellence, applying universal shortcuts a bit universally?
Using psoriasis as a template for fixing other issues is like a cash bonus...
Life empowers us to move, most often, towards what we think of most often
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Aiming to build you the healthiest website, learn more to live more, with 1,000,000 unique web pages
© EasyStreet, USA by MisterShortcut for the Longevity Zen of Health and Shortcuts Way of Living
All rights reserved for people who feed other starving humans.
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Oil on dry skin does damage.
Oil on WET skin can be ultra-rejuvenating.
Sunshine on wet, oily skin is still the only method outside of diet to help psoriasis.
Opinions have no value in the face of evidence.
What you know will always be a distant second
to what you DO with what you know. No?
Fix your psoriasis drinking more water,
keeping your skin wet, oiled .....
and exposed to the sun!!
Just as there are natural answers to cancer, thanks most of all to Dr. Max Gershon,
find your way into self-health approach to natural remediation of psoriasis, and more.
A number of skin issues respond quite the same as psoriasis, and for good reasons!
At the core of everything, which should be included, is your alkalinity.
There is no known fact of health more influential, than pH levels.
Incorporate this into your natural solutions for psoriasis. :-)