Castles in the air are wonderful, and bound to be built,
              by those who create foundations underneath them.

Shortcuts Way of Living Longevity Zen of Health Exegesis Shapetalk

Each of the EyeCandy Shapelinks and Shapetalk creations serve multiple purposes, as all wisdom is intended to do.
The Shortcuts Way of Living and Longevity Zen of Health are both usable, and accessible, to most everyone.
PowerGems of the Shortcuts Way of Living, HealthGems of the Longevity Zen of Health , and other sites,
are hidden in plain sight (and plain site, tee-hee) with several purposes in mind, several intentions.
Whether or not you understand why the Shortcuts Way of Living and Longevity Zen of Health work this way,
you can still access uncountable Shortcuts Way of Living PowerGems and Longevity Zen of Health HealthGems,
by looking in the places that might not seem so obvious, even as most of those places are plainly right here in plain sight.
Superceding all else is the certitude that you will get better and faster results when you engage your PowerGems and HealthGems.
Whyever would you brush your hair with one brush, one hand, creating MASSIVE disbalance in your body musculature, immune system, etc?
Why do you accept someone saying "No" to your request instead of finding out why they are saying no and then resolving their objection?

You are surrounded by magnificent shortcuts, innovated by the pioneers who had few or no shortcuts to make use of.
The Shortcuts Way of Living is already alive and existing within you; you used the Shortcuts Way of Living as a child.
-The Longevity Zen of Health is already within you, waiting for you to make better decisions about the garbage you eat.

Use more of your shortcuts, and use your shortcuts more rightly. Understanding this will simplify much of your life and efforts.

Welcome to the Shortcuts Way of Living and Longevity Zen of Health , land of Shapetalk and Shapelinks, Shortcuts and PowerGems.