Hunger shortcuts, to eliminate, the starving marvins the hungry Marie's.
Hunger shortcuts are what we are selling, without a pfennig changing hands,
all for the world to see,
that hunger shortcuts, when properly used, will alter forever, YOUR own history.
Hunger shortcuts, to make the world go round,
every kid should eat, white, red, yellow, or brown.
What are the hunger shortcuts, that you might use today?
What are the hunger shortcuts, with which to make a better way?
The Shortcuts Way of Living is a living commitment to end starvation forever.
By helping you to develop, using acceleration shortcuts, more wealth for YOU,
the Shortcuts Way of Living requires that the half of your new wealth, from today,
the half that the Shortcuts Way of Living earns a fair share in, will help the helpless.
Never mind the so-called "charitable" organizations that have huge administrative costs.
These are, even when originally formed with the best intent, no longer very charitable at all,
unless you refer to the charitable pay packages, expenses, bonuses, trips, cell phones, et alia,
which are given to the executives of these, so sorry, putrid organizations rife with stench of greed.
There are so many charitable efforts that do not require the use of mega-million-dollar organizations.
With respect to hunger, the Shortcuts Way of Living assures you that you do not need to look far from home.
Wherever you are, you can be reasonably confident that there are starving people already within your ambit.
You do not even need to give through another entity; You can find ways to give of yourself that matter most.
Hunger shortcuts come from the attitudes of mind encompassing either personal greed or personal charity.
First, Newton's Third Law gives us foreknowledge that every action brings an equal & opposite reaction.
So, from a position of greed, the more you give, the more you are assured of receiving back in kind.
Conversely, there is the position of pure philanthropy, simply wishing to benefit those who suffer.
Either way, helping the helpless is a win-win situation, and a hallmark of Life's great winners.
Will you use your hunger shortcuts, to ease the pains of a starving child?
Will the hunger shortcuts phase just pass, leaving them all to starve in the wild?
Let us ease the hunger of a starving child, let us show the future that we knew the way.
Use great hunger shortcuts in this living day, to end the worst of hunger, they may live and play
If you are going to live in such exciting times, invest a tenth more into yourself giving one bit more.
Find effective hunger shortcuts where you seek them, including by way of the Shortcuts Way of Living.