Genius is the goal
That's all that genius is, for so many who deliver again and again with all of their energy and hunger,
Genius is all you would.
That's all that genius is, for so many who deliver again and again with all of their energy and hunger, Genius is this
Genius is rarely accidental,
because genius is developed.
While genius can be a gift of birth,
genius is proven in an empowered child,
aside from the rare few with incurable issues.
Moms who send kids "out to play" grow no genius.
100,000 minutes each year in hallways grows no genius.
Genius comes out in 100% of children who are empowered.
Practicing what you study, not hours of banality, develops genius.
Count some nine of every ten children whose parents have forgotten mastery.
who choose to decise to repeatedly ignore the best thinking within themselves.
Some children are hungry enough to look for mentors who believe in genius.
Frustratingly, most parents think parenthood confers expertise to parenting.
Lack of great practice in childhood augurs an assured lack in adulthood.
That the reverse is also richly true calls for repeated reviews of this.
Every time you re-view wisdom, intellect grows by a new factor.
After a dozen repeats, you may already be a better parent.
If you do not show genius, at least encourage genius.
Genius is rarely just a matter of great genetics.
Genius is repetition added to improvement.
Genius is the greatest of our hungers.
That is why genius is intentional.
A childhood without striving warrants an adulthood without mastery.
A childhood missing practice delivers an adulthood missing mastery.
Who represses a child's potential, denying a child daily training?
No cash is necessary for a child to be focused on what they enjoy.
Excellence does not occur accidentally, only by intentional actions.
When we know where we are going, double the chances of getting there.
What is worth doing is worth doing one percent better, repetitively.
Improving one percent each day means doubling every hundred days.
Investing money or investing time, compounding is a smart treat of life.
This alone places you into world class as fast as any other great shortcut.
Unless you perform each day at world-class, stop claiming you know better.
Whoever does the best, repeatedly, should be the only ones being attended.
Nothing repeatable is done faster than by imitating the recipe of prior success.
When you imitate who you admire most, you move instantly towards excellence.
Doing it your way has to wait until you clearly see that you can imitate the recipe.
After proving a duplicability of the recipe, you can then innovate based on your life.
The Shortcuts Way of Living assures advance in results when you imitate what works.
Your personality and experience, what wisdom you have been able to develop thus far,
all add up to those innovations, which have little value until after you repeat a top recipe.
Bring out more of the Shortcuts Way of Living now sleeping inside you, awaiting your call.
This Genius Shapetalk is a call between you and the Shortcuts Way of Living. Pick up the line.
Genius is the choice to bring out the best within, for the coming minutes, hours, and days... repeated.
A childhood without practice assures an adulthood without excellence, among the greatest of thefts
Genius is all it is, and genius is rarely ever anything less than a choice, one made each day apart.
An adulthood without practice assures a regret too profound for even the most well-lettered.
Repeat these nearly five hundred words just twenty-one times and deny you got smarter.
By your the twelfth and thirteenth analysis, your measurable IQ will observably rise.
Shortcuts Way of Living Genius Shapetalk
Genius is not coincidental.
Genius is rarely overt at birth.
Genius proves alive in almost every child,
aside from those rare few with exceptional issues.
Genius is observed in every child who is self-empowered.
Sadly, some nine of every ten kids have parents who forgot excellence,
never made the decision to repeatedly bring out the best within themselves.
Some children are hungry enough to look for people who believe in genius.
When practice is not a habit of childhood, see undeveloped adulthood.
That the reverse is also richly true calls for repeated review of this.
Many parents confuse being a parent with being an expert parent.
After 12 repeats, you may already be a better parent.
Genius is rarely just a gift of great genetics.
Genius is the greatest of hungers.
Ergo, genius is also intentional.
The childhood missing practice will be an adulthood without mastery.
How many adults are strong enough to begin practicing as an adult?
Who takes a child's future, depriving the child of constant education?
The more we learn, the more we live & more so for young students.
You only get 25,000 days in a lifetime, why waste a few thousand?
Expense is not necessary for the expansion of children's skillsets.
Excellence does not happen accidentally, meaning it is a choice.
Whatever you do worth doing, is worth doing better with repetition.
This one secret accelerates your entry into the club of the world-class.
If it were not secret, far more of your contemporaries would act upon it.
Unless you perform at world-class, cease pretending that you know better.
Whoever does the best, repeatedly, should be the only ones who are talking.
Imitating whoever you most admire, you imitate results they repeatedly attain.
Doing it your way has to wait until you prove that you understand "basic recipe."
After learning the recipe well, it will be time for you to innovate your own approach.
Your experience, personality, and experience, wisdom you've developed over the years,
inform your best innovations, which enjoy little value until after you repeat a working recipe.
With the Shortcuts Way of Living already inside of you, engage more of your Shortcuts Way of Living.
The more you invoke the Shortcuts Way of Living, the more you see the Shortcuts Way of Living reciprocating.
Genius and excellence are, far more than anything else, the earned fruits of the greatest of most all human hungers.
Genius In A Nutshell
Genius is the choice to bring out the best within, for the coming minutes, hours, and days... repeated.
A childhood without practice assures an adulthood without excellence, among the greatest of thefts
Genius is all it is, and genius is rarely ever anything less than a choice, one made each day apart.
An adulthood without practice assures a regret too profound for even the most well-lettered.
Repeat these nearly five hundred words just twenty-one times and deny you got smarter.
By your the twelfth and thirteenth analysis, your measurable IQ will observably rise.
and genius is that,
if you're really a genius,
show us the matter of fact.
If not, the fact of matter, & how inverted that may seem to be,
no more than a reflection of genius, just what it seems to need.
Genius is not only genius, nor is it merely for the sake of genius,
it is more a choice than circumstance, genius most often feeds us.
Run to the genius inside of you, genius answers are there awake...
...let it be the genius you trust, YOUR genius, yielding genius answers.
The Shortcuts Way of Living, genius capital of the World Wide Web.
Shapetalk shortcuts, from the Shortcuts Way of Living.
Shapetalk shortcuts, to help the shapetalk that exists in you.
Shapetalk shortcuts, because there is shapetalk in every child.
Candidates are of any age betwixt three and one hundred and three.
Elderly people regret more of what they did not do than what they did.
There is Shapetalk, poetry, music, and excellence in you, at any age.
You have your own Shortcuts Way of Living, your own Shapetalk.
Shapetalk is little more than delivering up just one percent more.
One percent better every time you repeat any known given task.
This is a core of shapetalk, when it is fueled by love of the task.
If thine task is not loved, make a choice to learn how to love it,
or else choose to create your shapetalk in entirely new ways.
Best of all is applying shapetalk mind-set to all that you do.
The Shortcuts Way of Living invites YOUR shapetalk in.
What can you do today better than you did yesterday?
Shapetalk is more of a choice than a circumstance.
Shapetalk is simply organizing your thoughts.
Shapetalk is this
and shapetalk is that,
if you understand shapetalk,
show for us all the matter of fact.
If not, the fact of matter, and how inverted that might look to be,
no more than a reflection of shapetalk, just what it shows to need.
Shapetalk is not only shapetalk, nor is it only for the sake of shapetalk,
it is more of a choice than circumstance, shapetalk can prove to enrich us.
Run to the shapetalk inside of you, shapetalk ideas are laying there, awake...
allow it to be shapetalk you trust, YOUR shapetalk, in your shapetalk answers.
Your Shortcuts Way of Living, interactive shapetalk capital of this internet.
That's all that genius is, for so many who deliver again and again with all of their energy and hunger,
Genius is the choice to bring out the best within, for the coming minutes, hours, and days... repeated.
A childhood missing practice promotes adulthood without excellence, among the worst parent-crimes
Genius is all that it is, and genius is rarely less than a personal choice, one made each day apart from another.
An adulthood without practice warrantees a regret too profound for even the most well-lettered to express.
Repeat these thousand or so words just twenty-one times or so, and then deny you got smarter.
Between your the twelfth and thirteenth analysis, your observable IQ will measurably rise.
Genius shortcuts, from the Shortcuts Way of Living.
Genius shortcuts, to help the genius that exists in you.
Genius shortcuts, because there is genius in every child.
The child can be of any age between 3 and, oh, let's say 93.
Genius is little more than delivering up just one percent more.
One percent better every time you repeat any known given task.
This is the core of genius, when it is fueled by love of the task.
If the task is not loved, you can choose to learn how to love it,
or you can choose to find something else to be a genius in.
Best of all is applying genius mind-set to all that you do.
The Shortcuts Way of Living invites YOUR genius out.
What can you do today better than your yesterday?
Genius is more of a choice than a circumstance.
Genius is this
and genius is that,
if you're really a genius,
show us the matter of fact.
If not, the fact of matter, & how inverted that might look to be,
no more than a reflection of genius, just what it shows to need.
Genius is not only genius, nor is it merely for the sake of genius,
it's more a choice than circumstance, genius can choose to feed us.
Run to the genius inside of you, genius answers are laying there, awake...
allow it to be the genius you trust, YOUR genius, yielding genius answers.
Your Shortcuts Way of Living, cute genius capital of the entire internet.
Genius shows here, genius shows there,
when you empower, genius flows everywhere.
If not the fact of matter, then genius must surely be,
the seeds of genius that we plant, now, and eternally.
Most often, genius is the reflection of empowering genius.
Who hugs the child and reminds the youngster that they CAN,
provides a lubricant that can only be a aid to self-empowerment.
Genius comes from unending desire to do it at least one more time,
until the effort of genius transforms into the product and fruit of genius.
The Shortcuts Way of Living urges you to stop pretending to know more.
When you break and shatter records, teach the Shortcuts Way of Living.
For now, imitate the Shortcuts Way of Living to imitate such results.
More of a choice than a chance, genius can be trained to feed us.
Run to the genius inside you, for genius answers laying there awake.
Let it be the genius you trust - your own genius - yielding genius answers.
Close your eyes, see yourself walking down the street, seeing a distant child.
As you approach, you realize it is you, as a child, awaiting you, in adulthood.
You have answers in you for the child, you have your Shortcuts Way of Living.
Provide the answers, a hug and a kind word, and let the genius in you emerge.
There is a world of excellence in you, the Shortcuts Way of Living identifies you as a genius.
Your jobs are not so complicated: To identify what you wish to be genius at, and the hunger to do.
The Shortcuts Way of Living that operated within you as a child operates now, to bring out your genius.
Do not die with your music inside, with your Shortcuts Way of Living un-practiced and un-exercised. Live!
Shapetalk and shortcuts, lined up in a row,
the Shortcuts Way of Living Shapetalk show.
Reach for more within yourself, repeatedly, TODAY,
that your internal Shortcuts Way of Living might have its way.
You have a Shortcuts Way of Living inside of you, waiting for you.
The best within you, elicitable with your own Shortcuts Way of Living.