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JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE ON THIS PLANET, you've waited for and considered the best and fastest, most powerful methods to accelerate your success. By waiting for these gems of life to come to you, you have stalled mightily, and you have succeeded. You've succeeded at stalling, putting off your own personal fulfillment, by performing at just a fraction of your value and abilities and potential. With the Shortcuts Way of Living, we change a few things with PowerGems, the wisest bits of wisdom. Raise your quality of life with shortcuts at the Shortcuts Way of Living and the Longevity Zen of Health , amounting to what may be the internet's healthiest websites, and easily the largest empowerment network. Even better, the Shortcuts Way of Living and the Longevity Zen of Health creations, all part of the "Masters and Millionaires" network and empire built by the hands of Mr-Shortcut, represent the internet's most philanthropic websites and network. Already generating many millions of cups of food by YOUR clickthroughs to thehungersite.net, it's fair to describe Mr-Shortcut as the "World's Richest Man" or "The Richest Man on Earth," because true wealth surely is not measured by what you gather for yourself, rather, by what you give away to others. Employ the simple laws of physics for your own direct advange. Get wealthy by giving. You cannot suspend the laws of physics, so it's wise to profit repeatedly from them. You will find that this fruit of the Shortcuts Way of Living tastes delicious. Natural health shortcuts of long-lived people. Your best health tips... NATURAL health tips, and the greatest success Shortcuts Way of Living, masters and millionaires. That is what these healthy wealthy websites are all about, and, beyond all seeming possibility, from one pair of preternaturally busy hands: many millions of delightfully unique creations. created for your success by Mr-Shortcut, for You |
The Shortcuts Way of Living is more than happy to give you a hand up, particularly with shortcuts and master secrets of the universe that you are about to be reminded of... provided you accept the contractual obligation to reach your hand, not empty, to those even more helpless than you seem determined to prove yourself to be.
In these next minutes, you're encouraged and urged to safely move faster up your own ladder, expanding both your mind and your approach by specifically withholding your opinion until AFTER you have the experience that justified your opinion.
Zig Ziglar was no small thinker, or doer. He taught that the only time we should look down on another human being is when we are reaching down to offer them a hand up. It instantaneously produced memories that are like video movies in the head of all the times in my own life when others offered a hand up when they stood above me. You get to be that giant of a human, because hero status is rapidly gained when you do nothing more complicated than finding one person urgently in need of help, and when you tell someone, "Say there, since I can't be of direct financial assistance to you, let me help in another way."
If you were in an extreme of having your life or health threatened if you failed to help at least ten people in the next month or week or whatever time frame might be arbitrarily imposed, you would get very busy and would find as many people to help as you needed to in order to protect your interests.
This goes along with the axiom that most people will work harder to regain a thousand dollars stolen from them than they will in replacing it once, let alone repeatedly. In the next three minutes of your life, you get to move up an absolute notch. You MUST close your mouth and open your eyes and ears. Doing the same things as masters and millionaires means you do the same things at the finish line. Repeating the actions of masters and millionaires consistently assures you of getting the results of masters and millionaires.
1) There are, in fact, master secrets of the universe. Your opinions to the contrary demonstrate lack of experience.
2) Using any one or more of these master secrets of the universe are guaranteed to get you better and faster results within your first hundred tries, with the hidden "catch" being that you must not merely be willing to do it one hundred and one times, you must actually do it one hundred and one times. At the Shortcuts Way of Living, "PowerGems" is the phrase used for these master secrets of the universe, because they are in fact proven to be universal to masters.
3) When you go into a store and see a big printed sign with a price next to that appliance or other device, you do, like most of the idiots walking around, actually pay that price, don't you? Worse, you do it without a quibble or even a sickly bleat. True, or not? With no one here but just us chickens and roosters, how many times in the past one hundred purchases have you asked for a discount? The Shortcuts Way of Living can safely promise you many thousands of dollars in savings which are easily invested long-term into hundreds of thousands of dollars to the benefit of your pockets with the use of this one simple trick. It is so simple, it is ridiculous.
The next one hundred purchases you make, no matter what it is, ask if they can do better on the price.
If you are three-quarters as bright as you think you are, you will walk out when they say no.
You can fairly expect between ten and twenty people to say yes in your first hundred tries.
Do you understand how quickly you start saving money? Are you smart enough to invest it?
By the time you have asked one hundred times for a better price, your skills improve.
In areas of your life far more important to you than money, you will also thrive.
One of the bonuses of this magical and universal shortcut, one of many fillips,
is that in the second group of one hundred tries at getting some discount,
more than ten or twenty say yes to you. It continues to go up and up.
By the time you have asked for a better price one thousand times,
you will find that up to eight in every ten people say, "Okay."
Please do not feel put down when you are reminded of your stupidity.
The Shortcuts Way of Living does not infer or suggest that YOU are stupid,
only that your most often-repeated actions do prove to be lessons in stupidity.
Carefully note that ignorance and stupidity are not even vaguely related to each other.
Ignorance can be fixed in seconds, because we are all ignorant of everything before we learn.
Stupidity is not acting on your better information, and you have not been asking for those discounts.
This does not make you cheap. It makes you smart to save up to half on nearly every one of your expenses.
Please remind yourself that you have one thousand separate opportunities every single day.
Do not be like all the idiots around you who major in minors, who gape at other people's lives.
Please, please, live more of this life, with more excitement, more adventure, more growth in you.
The Godfather of Shortcuts is pleased to be the first to present so much new information to YOU.
Excellence cannot occur by accident. Let us, together, you and the Shortcuts Way of Living,
puruse the best in you in order to bring out the best in you, at which point we copy you.
What makes most people idiots is that they think they have "plenty of time" to do it.
You are being invited to step out of the human paradigm of time in this instant.
Today you have the opportunitinty to move into the paradigm of time in you.
Please, forget about months and weeks and days except for goal-setting.
Focus on a thousand separate opportunities each and most every day.
Within each one of those thousand opportunities is sixty seconds.
That gives you one to several hundred chances to do it better.
Can your poorly-nourished imagination even begin to get it?
What do YOU think will happen after one thousand days?
That's one million-plus opportunities in a short time.
How great can we bet on you being at that point?
Well, here you go, a gift, a rare present, to you:
You are given over a million chances to get it,
and you have a thousand days to get it done.
Less talk, please, and more action.
Speak less and do more, today.
Become one of the masters,
one chance at a time.
The Shortcuts Way of Living is more than happy to give you a hand up, particularly with shortcuts and master secrets of the universe that you are about to be reminded of... provided you accept the contractual obligation to reach your hand, not empty, to those even more helpless than you seem determined to prove yourself to be.
In these next minutes, you're encouraged and urged to safely move faster up your own ladder, expanding both your mind and your approach by specifically withholding your opinion until AFTER you have the experience that justified your opinion.
Zig Ziglar was no small thinker, or doer. He taught that the only time we should look down on another human being is when we are reaching down to offer them a hand up. It instantaneously produced memories that are like video movies in the head of all the times in my own life when others offered a hand up when they stood above me. You get to be that giant of a human, because hero status is rapidly gained when you do nothing more complicated than finding one person urgently in need of help, and when you tell someone, "Say there, since I can't be of direct financial assistance to you, let me help in another way."
If you were in an extreme of having your life or health threatened if you failed to help at least ten people in the next month or week or whatever time frame might be arbitrarily imposed, you would get very busy and would find as many people to help as you needed to in order to protect your interests.
This goes along with the axiom that most people will work harder to regain a thousand dollars stolen from them than they will in replacing it once, let alone repeatedly. In the next three minutes of your life, you get to move up an absolute notch. You MUST close your mouth and open your eyes and ears. Doing the same things as masters and millionaires means you do the same things at the finish line. Repeating the actions of masters and millionaires consistently assures you of getting the results of masters and millionaires.
1) There are, in fact, master secrets of the universe. Your opinions to the contrary demonstrate lack of experience.
2) Using any one or more of these master secrets of the universe are guaranteed to get you better and faster results within your first hundred tries, with the hidden "catch" being that you must not merely be willing to do it one hundred and one times, you must actually do it one hundred and one times. At the Shortcuts Way of Living, "PowerGems" is the phrase used for these master secrets of the universe, because they are in fact proven to be universal to masters.
3) When you go into a store and see a big printed sign with a price next to that appliance or other device, you do, like most of the idiots walking around, actually pay that price, don't you? Worse, you do it without a quibble or even a sickly bleat. True, or not? With no one here but just us chickens and roosters, how many times in the past one hundred purchases have you asked for a discount? The Shortcuts Way of Living can safely promise you many thousands of dollars in savings which are easily invested long-term into hundreds of thousands of dollars to the benefit of your pockets with the use of this one simple trick. It is so simple, it is ridiculous.
The next one hundred purchases you make, no matter what it is, ask if they can do better on the price.
If you are three-quarters as bright as you think you are, you will walk out when they say no.
You can fairly expect between ten and twenty people to say yes in your first hundred tries.
Do you understand how quickly you start saving money? Are you smart enough to invest it?
By the time you have asked one hundred times for a better price, your skills improve.
In areas of your life far more important to you than money, you will also thrive.
One of the bonuses of this magical and universal shortcut, one of many fillips,
is that in the second group of one hundred tries at getting some discount,
more than ten or twenty say yes to you. It continues to go up and up.
By the time you have asked for a better price one thousand times,
you will find that up to eight in every ten people say, "Okay."
Please do not feel put down when you are reminded of your stupidity.
The Shortcuts Way of Living does not infer or suggest that YOU are stupid,
only that your most often-repeated actions do prove to be lessons in stupidity.
Carefully note that ignorance and stupidity are not even vaguely related to each other.
Ignorance can be fixed in seconds, because we are all ignorant of everything before we learn.
Stupidity is not acting on your better information, and you have not been asking for those discounts.
This does not make you cheap. It makes you smart to save up to half on nearly every one of your expenses.
Please remind yourself that you have one thousand separate opportunities every single day.
Do not be like all the idiots around you who major in minors, who gape at other people's lives.
Please, please, live more of this life, with more excitement, more adventure, more growth in you.
The Godfather of Shortcuts is pleased to be the first to present so much new information to YOU.
Excellence cannot occur by accident. Let us, together, you and the Shortcuts Way of Living,
puruse the best in you in order to bring out the best in you, at which point we copy you.
What makes most people idiots is that they think they have "plenty of time" to do it.
You are being invited to step out of the human paradigm of time in this instant.
Today you have the opportunitinty to move into the paradigm of time in you.
Please, forget about months and weeks and days except for goal-setting.
Focus on a thousand separate opportunities each and most every day.
Within each one of those thousand opportunities is sixty seconds.
That gives you one to several hundred chances to do it better.
Can your poorly-nourished imagination even begin to get it?
What do YOU think will happen after one thousand days?
That's one million-plus opportunities in a short time.
How great can we bet on you being at that point?
Well, here you go, a gift, a rare present, to you:
You are given over a million chances to get it,
and you have a thousand days to get it done.
Less talk, please, and more action.
Speak less and do more, today.
Become one of the masters,
one chance at a time.
The Shortcuts Way of Living is more than happy to give you a hand up, particularly with shortcuts and master secrets of the universe that you are about to be reminded of... provided you accept the contractual obligation to reach your hand, not empty, to those even more helpless than you seem determined to prove yourself to be.
In these next minutes, you're encouraged and urged to safely move faster up your own ladder, expanding both your mind and your approach by specifically withholding your opinion until AFTER you have the experience that justified your opinion.
Zig Ziglar was no small thinker, or doer. He taught that the only time we should look down on another human being is when we are reaching down to offer them a hand up. It instantaneously produced memories that are like video movies in the head of all the times in my own life when others offered a hand up when they stood above me. You get to be that giant of a human, because hero status is rapidly gained when you do nothing more complicated than finding one person urgently in need of help, and when you tell someone, "Say there, since I can't be of direct financial assistance to you, let me help in another way."
If you were in an extreme of having your life or health threatened if you failed to help at least ten people in the next month or week or whatever time frame might be arbitrarily imposed, you would get very busy and would find as many people to help as you needed to in order to protect your interests.
This goes along with the axiom that most people will work harder to regain a thousand dollars stolen from them than they will in replacing it once, let alone repeatedly. In the next three minutes of your life, you get to move up an absolute notch. You MUST close your mouth and open your eyes and ears. Doing the same things as masters and millionaires means you do the same things at the finish line. Repeating the actions of masters and millionaires consistently assures you of getting the results of masters and millionaires.
1) There are, in fact, master secrets of the universe. Your opinions to the contrary demonstrate lack of experience.
2) Using any one or more of these master secrets of the universe are guaranteed to get you better and faster results within your first hundred tries, with the hidden "catch" being that you must not merely be willing to do it one hundred and one times, you must actually do it one hundred and one times. At the Shortcuts Way of Living, "PowerGems" is the phrase used for these master secrets of the universe, because they are in fact proven to be universal to masters.
3) When you go into a store and see a big printed sign with a price next to that appliance or other device, you do, like most of the idiots walking around, actually pay that price, don't you? Worse, you do it without a quibble or even a sickly bleat. True, or not? With no one here but just us chickens and roosters, how many times in the past one hundred purchases have you asked for a discount? The Shortcuts Way of Living can safely promise you many thousands of dollars in savings which are easily invested long-term into hundreds of thousands of dollars to the benefit of your pockets with the use of this one simple trick. It is so simple, it is ridiculous.
The next one hundred purchases you make, no matter what it is, ask if they can do better on the price.
If you are three-quarters as bright as you think you are, you will walk out when they say no.
You can fairly expect between ten and twenty people to say yes in your first hundred tries.
Do you understand how quickly you start saving money? Are you smart enough to invest it?
By the time you have asked one hundred times for a better price, your skills improve.
In areas of your life far more important to you than money, you will also thrive.
One of the bonuses of this magical and universal shortcut, one of many fillips,
is that in the second group of one hundred tries at getting some discount,
more than ten or twenty say yes to you. It continues to go up and up.
By the time you have asked for a better price one thousand times,
you will find that up to eight in every ten people say, "Okay."
Please do not feel put down when you are reminded of your stupidity.
The Shortcuts Way of Living does not infer or suggest that YOU are stupid,
only that your most often-repeated actions do prove to be lessons in stupidity.
Carefully note that ignorance and stupidity are not even vaguely related to each other.
Ignorance can be fixed in seconds, because we are all ignorant of everything before we learn.
Stupidity is not acting on your better information, and you have not been asking for those discounts.
This does not make you cheap. It makes you smart to save up to half on nearly every one of your expenses.
Please remind yourself that you have one thousand separate opportunities every single day.
Do not be like all the idiots around you who major in minors, who gape at other people's lives.
Please, please, live more of this life, with more excitement, more adventure, more growth in you.
The Godfather of Shortcuts is pleased to be the first to present so much new information to YOU.
Excellence cannot occur by accident. Let us, together, you and the Shortcuts Way of Living,
puruse the best in you in order to bring out the best in you, at which point we copy you.
What makes most people idiots is that they think they have "plenty of time" to do it.
You are being invited to step out of the human paradigm of time in this instant.
Today you have the opportunitinty to move into the paradigm of time in you.
Please, forget about months and weeks and days except for goal-setting.
Focus on a thousand separate opportunities each and most every day.
Within each one of those thousand opportunities is sixty seconds.
That gives you one to several hundred chances to do it better.
Can your poorly-nourished imagination even begin to get it?
What do YOU think will happen after one thousand days?
That's one million-plus opportunities in a short time.
How great can we bet on you being at that point?
Well, here you go, a gift, a rare present, to you:
You are given over a million chances to get it,
and you have a thousand days to get it done.
Less talk, please, and more action.
Speak less and do more, today.
Become one of the masters,
one chance at a time.