Welcome to the most exciting, empowering website in the universe, with Mr Shortcut
The Shortcuts Way of Living and Longevity Zen of Health are big!
Tap any keyboard character to fly off to another Mister Shortcut website of empowerment, joy, and EyeCandy

Your mouse, like so many other tools at your disposal for succeeding faster and more comprehensively,
is as useless or as useful as you determine it to be.   Like the hammer on a shelf that's NOT banging nails,
your tools are created for a reason, and the reason is something called "utility."

Enjoy the EyeCandy,     Enjoy the BrainCandy
and then use the Shortcuts Way of Living to benefit yourself and others.

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Channeling shortcuts paves the way for you to advance your success rates.

Most of the greatest shortcuts are universal. True, or not?

Think of most any shortcut you know. If it's' a great shortcuts, maybe even among your greatest,
you've taken advantage of opportunities to use it in areas unconnected with your first use, no?

It's the same for all of us. Certain activities compel our interest, so we do better at them.
This is a tendency of all humans, because it's a feature and function of learning - most anything!!

Chenneling your focus into your most carefully channeled secrets and shortcuts: Fast results.
Very fast, because you, like everyone, fall quickly into the mindset of a specific shortcut.
By asking you to do nothing more - and nothing less - than doing what've already done,
the Shortcuts Way of Living is your own living proof that shortcuts channel successes.

Winning is a choice, more than just a chance. Let's focus on channeling our focus!

Thus do we create a channelbar, or engage in channelbarring, if you will, nyuk nyuk,
so you can better grab your focus, channel it, squeeze it, point it to one of your best.

The next 24 hours has 1,440 minutes. Your invited to spend time with your best mind.
Tap into the Shortcuts Way of Living within you, and Bob's yer uncle, so to speak.