The Shortcuts Way of Living, rich with wealth shortcuts and more,
and the Longevity Zen of Health , focusing on living stronger for longer,
are dedicated to the development of your potential and excellence... to Longevity
were created for you in the belief that you were born to rise to your highest potential,
in nurturance of you passing on some of what you're about to obtain.
Your life is thoroughly and indisputably about to change, rather dramatically.
You do not see shopping carts in all of these thousands of pages, for good reason.
You're entitled to the most useful information in the world, the best shortcuts of all.
the healthiest tips to Longevity used by those who know best by living better longer.
The multi-billion-dollar value of the Shortcuts Way of Living is free for your life,
perhaps most of all because it's already inside of you, and always has been.
All of the EyeCandy and Shapelinks, designed to increase your pleasure,
are the innovations and promotions of your biggest fan and coach.

Welcome to the largest empowerment website in the world,
the Shortcuts Way of Living.

Created by the busy MisterShortcut, the goal is to empower you to empower yourself to faster, better results,
accelerated results using the best and greatest shortcuts to success used repeatedly and consistently
by our best role models: masters and champions, those who repeatedly lead.

These thousand websites, all created by MrShortcut, are free for your life.
Please feed those who are hungrier than you, in this case, at no charge to you. Thank you.

Easy Way To Become A Hero Of The Longevity Zen of Health!
Meritable sponsors donate 1.1 cups of staple food for our free clicks.
When you click this food button and the one that pops open you literally save a human life... at no cost to you.

Welcome to the world's most exciting and empowering website,
The Shortcuts Way of Living, with Mr_Shortcut
Reach for the best in you, by starting today.
Asking more from yourself in any effort leads to higher expectations.
Higher expectations always and without fail lead to higher productivity.
If you believe in you just one-tenth as much as Mr-Shortcut does,
you're already committed to making today a bit more exciting,
a bit more filled with a determination to excel.

YOU determine the value of the Shortcuts Way of Living,
just as you determine the value... or lack... in each day.

When we embrace the Shortcuts Way of Living we check emotional baggage at the door.

The Shortcuts Way of Living For Life is all about resolving obstacles with the use of great shortcuts.
Let's stay focused on what can be done, rather than the obstacles. Here, we resolve obstacles, okay?
The words, actions, and methods, the secrets and shortcuts to success at the Shortcuts Way of Living,
are a blend of the perfect laws of life. You will find the Shortcuts Way of Living to be a powerful path to Life.

Reach for more inside of yourself and you will be astonished at what is inside of you,
just waiting to be brought out in the best possible light. Now, it's your turn.
That's not rah-rah; it's recognition of the enormity of resources available to you and for you.

It's your turn to win.

Grab more of your best natural health tips, at the Longevity Zen of Health.
Take plenty of success shortcuts from the Shortcuts Way of Living and run.
Run with the ball as fast as you can and in just days you'll see better restuls.

Whether this body of work, staggering in size, is the internet's healthiest website,
or largest empowerment resource, is all secondary to the free food,
because the Shortcuts Way of Living and the Longevity Zen of Health creations,
all part of the "Masters and Millionaires" network built by our Godfather of EyeCandy,
are the internet's most philanthropic websites and network.
more to YOUR credit than to MisterShortcut's, frankly.

Already generating tens of millions of cups of food by YOUR clickthroughs to TheHungerSite

it is YOUR doing that Mister-Shortcut became the richest human alive,
because true wealth is not measured by what you gather; it's measured by what you give away to others.
YOU and your clicks empower huge resources.     You deserve the Shortcuts Way of Living,
so vast that no human could ever read all the works of MisterShortcut,
created and given freely, even at the cost of his own life, literally, for you to succeed.

Go ahead, get wealthy, get wealthier... attain your wealth and riches with giving.
Natural health shortcuts of long-lived people.   Your best health tips... NATURAL health tips,
and the greatest success shortcuts of champions and winners,
the same great shortcuts of masters and champions, those who repeatedly lead.
hundreds of thousands of unique creations.
designed with love by Mr Shortcuts
, for You 

The Shortcuts Way of Living and the Longevity Zen of Health ,
because you are that important, and worth empowering.

welcomes you to the world's most exciting and empowering website,
The Shortcuts Way of Living is larger than any human can ever review alone...

Go ahead and tap any keyboard character
(upper- OR lower-case) for another Mister Shortcut website of empowerment and EyeCandy

If you're thrilled with everything in your life, change nothing.
If you are not thrilled with at least most of your life,
use the Shortcuts Way of Living and Longevity Zen of Health , your most empowering websites.

The Shortcuts Way of Living For Life of Masters and Millionaires, the Shortcuts Way of Living,
the Longevity Zen of Health of those who live stronger for longer

Channeling shortcuts paves the way for you to advance your success rates.

Most of the greatest shortcuts are universal. True, or not?

Think of most any shortcut you know. If it's' a great shortcuts, maybe even among your greatest,
you've taken advantage of opportunities to use it in areas unconnected with your first use, no?

It's the same for all of us. Certain activities compel our interest, so we do better at them.
This is a tendency of all humans, because it's a feature and function of learning - most anything!!

Chenneling your focus into your most carefully channeled secrets and shortcuts: Fast results.
Very fast, because you, like everyone, fall quickly into the mindset of a specific shortcut.
By asking you to do nothing more - and nothing less - than doing what've already done,
the Shortcuts Way of Living is your own living proof that shortcuts channel successes.

Winning is a choice, more than just a chance. Let's focus on channeling our focus!

Thus do we create a channelbar, or engage in channelbarring, if you will, nyuk nyuk,
so you can better grab your focus, channel it, squeeze it, point it to one of your best.

The next 24 hours has 1,440 minutes. Your invited to spend time with your best mind.
Tap into the Shortcuts Way of Living within you, and Bob's yer uncle, so to speak.