ShortcutsWhen it comes to developing your shortcuts, the best methods and secrets and techniques - the best shortcuts, that is - are, naturally, those shortcuts and secrets and methods that get you where you need to go as fast as possible, with as much acceleration as possible. Only those methods that work consistently are shared here. Make it your business to understand that you have huge and untapped reservoirs of shortcuts within you. " Path to A Healthier Life" does not mean cheating or cutting corners that fall into the category of "morally questionable." You are capable of so much more than you give yourself credit for, and here at the Path to A Healthier Life, the committment to the development of your shortcuts is as complete as a human can extend to another human. At no time in nine years of building the Path to A Healthier Life at an average effort of 18 to 21 hours per day, has the author, Mr Shortcuts (yes, Mr-Shortcut, MisterShortcut, MrShortcut, and other spellings), solicited nor accepted any of the countless offers that have come in to be paid for this effort. While books, tapes, cd's, etc., may be published, the Masters and Millionaires websites, all nine hundred and eighty nine of them, have been designed to be free for your life, because you're worth the effort. Reach inside for YOUR shortcuts, make use of that personal power, and you will enjoy the fruits thereof. Go for yours, my friend, go for yours with all your heart and soul, because if YOU don't use your shortcuts for dreams and goals, you can bet your weekly paycheck that someone else will. |
The Shortcuts Way of Living and the Longevity Zen of Health , The Shortcuts Way of Living For Life
because you are that important, and worth empowering.
The largest body of work by a human being,
and the only one in human history with thousands of hand-crafted colors.
Shortcuts Aimed at YOU
More than a more than a million unique pages, hundreds of thousands of mirror pages.
Tens of thousands of digital art creations from one pair of prolific hands, all for you,
with endless agonizing over each hand-crafted color; thousands and thousands of delicious colors.
Shortcuts in Action
From the Shortcuts Way of Living to the Shortcuts Way of Living, and all sites between,
the body of work by Mr Shortcuts is now counted in the area of one million.
Shortcuts Got Us Here
That's right, one million pieces of work. Essays, songs, concertos and poems,
paintings and PowerGems, inspirational/motivational recordings, and more.
Ulimately, it is all pointed towards your SELF-empowerment!
Pursuing the development of your shortcuts has a habit - a consistent habit -
of producing a greater development of your shortcuts.
Is it enough to pursue more of your own shortcuts?
The better you do, the more likely you'll do better.
That means remembering the one time it's ok to look down on someone,
and that's each time you're reaching down to help someone else get up.
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