Wealth shortcuts empower those who empower,
who think beyond themselves to help other people,
particularly those who help the most helpless among us,
and who deserve to know that the tiniest progress when repeated,
invariably produces the results that outproduce all prior performances.
You can learn to bring big things in your individual minutes, by how you see them.
Rather than counting anniversaries and birthdays, learn to count the minutes of today.
How you spend your minutes is a clear preview of how you have chosen to spend your life.
Every PowerGem you encounter within the Shortcuts Way of Living is long-proven, time-proven.
You know that "nothing works like success," so, wise is the person who imitates those who do it best.
The Shortcuts Way of Living is an inhalation of the secrets and shortcuts of people who repeatedly excel.
There is nothing complicated in understanding that you get better cookies if you first copy Grandma.
It is the recipe system. People who break and shatter world records show and know much more.
You can do it your way   A F T E R   you duplicate the recipes of champions.
Whoever you are, wherever you are, whatever you are, and however you look back,
you certainly have built up some knowledge, experience, and wisdom from living.
You add your innovations and experience and wisdom when you are skilled.
You get the skill by finding ten or a thousand people doing it repeatedly.
The previous sentence has multiple meanings, and each is profitable.
For those who may be challenged, just write the minutes of your life.
Write down what you are doing, nothing left out. Account for your life.
Try to get it through your mind that nothing is more valuable than seconds.
One hundred hours will find for you many of your most precious possessions.
You will rapidly see how many thousands of minutes we fritter away on minors.
The Shortcuts Way of Living is your personal invitation to wake you up to mastery.
MisterShortcut invested more than 180,000,000 precious possessions into your mastery,
as a result of the core belief, now proven, that every human can develop their best skills.
Get excited about your minutes so that you may find your minutes getting excited about you.
If you can understand Newton's Third Law of Physics, you can use it intentionally to you benefit.
When you engage your Shortcuts Way of Living, the more the Shortcuts Way of Living reciprocates.
Wealth shortcuts, from the Shortcuts Way of Living and beyond, empower those who empower others.

What you know is not going to be as wealthy in value as what you do with what you know.

The Shortcuts Way of Living uses EyeCandy Shapetalk to help entice you into your own excellence.
Shapelinks are a Shortcuts Way of Living innovation to make it a bit more interactive, perhaps amusing.
Shapelinks are also an artistic expression of the Shortcuts Way of Living, because they are simple, and fun.
Sadly, only IE browsers appear to render all the delicious EyeCandy effects, all in simple CSS, javascript, html.
So, it is useful to remember that Shortcuts Way of Living Shapelinks are EyeCandy treats leading to PowerGems.
PowerGems are the most universal, indisputably powerful, useful shortcuts of masters, millionaires, and champions.
It is the PowerGems that bring us here, the universal shortcuts that work approximately every time a human uses them.

Always double and triple-check all sources, it is silly to believe one person for big parts of life. Learn more so you can live more.
At the bottom of every page of life is the reminder that, in all religions, we get judged by how many helpless humans we get to help up.
Engage the Shortcuts Way of Living to learn more and live more, so that together we can give more. That is why we share your new wealth.

The Shortcuts Way of Living And What You Know

Simply knowing it is not enough:
Delay is sucking the minutes of your life away by the thousands.
No insult intended, but you do not seem to have even a clue that you are wasting thousands of seconds per day.
What is wrong with you? THOUSANDS of seconds every day? You do not have to be purist.
Do not cite obvious and unhelpful extremes, it is wiser to focus on saving some seconds.
Not just a few of them, either, even though those few seconds, repeated, add up.
Chopping ten seconds from every petty conversation means hundreds of hours.
This is time you are SO going to appreciate as your lifetime speeds up.
How you spend your minutes is how you are spending your whole life.
Invest your minutes and get paid back a thousand times and more.
