As pretty as the WingRaves and RingWaves and such are, or may be,
The Shortcuts Way of Living is not primarily about EyeCandy.
The Shortcuts Way of Living is a path for self-mastery,
engaging the best within you, using more resources.
NOT finding new resources, which comes later,
rather, making more use of what you have.
This is a master secret of the universe.
When we learn to make more of what we have,
new resources double your yield that much faster.
Taking just one step without stopping is your answer.
You know that a long journey begins with just a single step.
Repeating that step one thousand times multiplies your wealth.
At the bottom of the page, it's about less talking, and more doing,
because your words can never shout out as loudly as your actions.
You can only show us who and what you are by what you do most,
by how many times you make the effort to demonstrate excellence,
with the prolific use of your most powerfully useful shortcuts
It is why we have a Shortcuts Way of Living to tap into.
It is why the Longevity Zen of Health is here for you.