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The Longevity Zen of Health , rich with wealth shortcuts and more,
and the Longevity Zen of Health , focusing on living stronger for longer,
are dedicated to the development of your potential and excellence... to Longevity
are hosted by Dr. David Cohen ND PhD MH CNC,
and created for you in the belief that you were born to rise to your highest potential,
in nurturance of you passing on some of what you're about to obtain.
Your life is thoroughly and indisputably about to change, rather dramatically.
You do not see shopping carts in all of these thousands of pages, for good reason.
You're entitled to the most useful information in the world, the best shortcuts of all.
the healthiest tips to Longevity used by those who know best by living better longer.
The multi-billion-dollar value of the Longevity Zen of Health is free for your life,
perhaps most of all because it's already inside of you, and always has been.
All of the EyeCandy and Shapelinks, designed to increase your pleasure,
are the innovations and promotions of your biggest fan and coach.

Welcome to the largest free website in the universe,
with over more than one million unique pages of original content by Mister_Shortcut,
and more than a few mirror pages, all here for your life,
filled with the best shortcuts of
masters millionaires champions and billionaires....
with love from Mister_Shortcut

The Longevity Zen of Health may well be the mother of all websites, and likely the world's largest website.
MisterShortcut's rather zany claim to have produced and uploaded more than one million unique pages....
turns out to be for the benefit (or the inverse, actually) of those who would try to exceed the record.

Supporting those million deliciously interactive pages, MisterShortcut produced even more hundreds of thousands of
TRULY UNIQUE pages, plus approximately seven hundred thousand mirror pages to keep his works alive.
What a thought - no one will ever have time in one lifetime to view all the works of MisterShortcut

Created by a single pair of hands seeking to redefine "pro bono" -- fifty-one thousand hours and more --
all of the Longevity Zen of Health websites, the Masters and Millionaires websites,
the Longevity Zen of Health and other "Psychology of ____" sites - each and all,
are devoted to you, in hope that you'll be smart enough to smell the roses.

The Longevity Zen of Health and Longevity Zen of Health are, simply,
the most effective methods and the best shortcuts of world-class people.
Without a doubt, knowledge can and shall change the world, already is,
and it begins with you as long as you understand that knowledge alone
is not power; knowledge is only potential power until you deploy it.
Make the most of these best shortcuts at the Longevity Zen of Health ,
the best Longevity Zen of Health shared at the Longevity Zen of Health .
Learn more, live more, in hope that you'll give more. It's quite a formula;
one that has a strong tendency to induce inexplicable feelings of happiness,
of fulfillment, of what might be called "Richard Branson Syndrome" of attainment.

>The Longevity Zen of Health of Masters and Millionaires Champions and Billionaires